
I feel numb ?????????????

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im a teenager and i just fell really numb in emotions. I used to be happy and enjoy things have passion. But now i only really hate and be sad im happy sometimes but i get really paranoid and i seem to have different personalites like when im at skl and at home or with my cousins whats the matter please help im confused??




  1. i know that every one is going to tell you this but it is just really a phase if you just let it pass it will

  2. Being so self-aware is really great - many people are not.  Pick a medium-type of mood and try to steer yourself there at all times.  Realize that feelings are not truth to make decisions by because, as you see, they are not reliable indicators of what is really the situation around you.  Try to operate from your intellect and take control of our emotions to become steadier, although of course all of us lose it from time to time during a severe crisis or a win of the lottery.  Adult success in life depends a lot on emotional stability.  If you start working on it as a teenager, you will be better off than most adults!  Best wishes and blessings.

  3. It will pass. If you want to force it to pass quickly go outside and ride a bike or a skateboard (well not a skateboard that would make you a criminal) throw a Frisbee or just put some headphones on and walk briskly. Wax your parents car etc. At first you have to force yourself, set a small goal walk to the end of the street then come home. Even that will perk you up.

    Don't sit around in a chat room listening to deathcore while watching teen angst shows on television

  4. happens alot to teenagers, but either you can dwell on being sad all the time or choose to get over it

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