
I feel pregnant, but neg. HPT...

by  |  earlier

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I am nauseated all day, but haven't thrown up. I have had a dull headache for about 3-4 days. I am having mild cramps (I usually double over with menstrual cramps, they are so bad). I am having a whitish/clear discharge and constipation. My cycles since March have been 63 days, 43 days, and so far I am on 46 days since my last period on June 18. I can't take BC pills to regulate my cycles because they make me sick and nuvaring and the patch give me too much pain. I am miserable, moody, my husband is suffering! :)

I've taken a bunch of HPTs and they have all come out negative. Could it be too early?

I am making a Drs appointment first thing tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to see if any of you can give me some advice as to what is going on.

Thank you!!!




  1. The doctor can tell you a lot more than any of us can. Good luck

  2. My last pregnancy (which sadly ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks) I felt pregnant but got a negative HPT. I waited a week and retested and it was positive!

    One of my theories is if you are symptomatic of the pregnancy - like having morning sickness - then your hormone levels of HCG are probably high enough to be detected on a HPT.

    Some women never get positives with urine though - so you may want to see the doctor for a blood test.

  3. You sound a bit like me! :) My cycles are between 35 to 40 days and I can't take birth control either because of the side effects (makes me feel pregnant). Right now I am on day 31 of my cycle and have been nauseated for 2 days and am having cramps and constipation as well.

    Some women get a negative result still 7 days after a missed period even though they are pregnant. The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about it! Good luck!

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