
I feel really bad right now, what should I do?

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I feel really bad right now, what should I do?




  1. take a chill pill with a warm Glass of chocolate milk and wrap yourself up in a nice blanket and go to bed  

  2. go to a doctor if it doesnt get better.

  3. Talk to someone you trust and who will listen to what you are going through.  I know that seems cheesy but it helps more then you know.  Go out and have fun it's Friday...  Watch a movie, but don't sit around and do nothing because it's just going to make your think more about your situation or whatever you are going through and it will make your feel a lot worse.  So if you can find something that will keep you busy and keep your mind off whatever it is your going through the faster you'll forget and the faster you'll feel better.

  4. feel better

  5. Take a long bubble bath.....

  6. Well, praise God you're better off than the Van Zandts.

    Play some guitar, write a song, have warm cup of coffee or tea.

    Spin some old CD's, maybe take a hot bath or shower, lay down and take a nap.

    If you feel like this often, you might need to attend to some unfinished business or unresolved issue, or embarassment;  explain your feelings to someone.

  7. I guess you should try and understand why you feel so bad. Maybe sit outside by yourself for a while and try to get the big picture that in the end, it wont matter if you feel bad or not.  

  8. you feel bad that darn fay came thru here and now my carpet is wet and damp and i got the fan running now and it smells like wet carpet yummy  

  9. smoke some ganja man! i and i feel better right away :P jkjk

    um, if you're sick you could try tylenol or motrin or something

  10. Try count your blessings,look at all the things in your life that are good and remember tomorrow is a new day

  11. add more details.

    Just relax listen to some good music.

    Watch t.v. talk to a friend

    play with a pet.

  12. listen to some happy music. it usually works for me.

  13. It always helps to listen to a few happy or funny songs to pick you up. You might not feel like doing so, but after you've listened to a couple, you'll feel better.

  14. Call a good friend and tell them you need to talk.

    Call a mental health hot line and talk to a volunteer.

    Take a walk and get an ice cream cone.

    Ride your bike or get some exercise.

    If you more help you can check out the web site I have included.

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