
I feel really crappy...?

by  |  earlier

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there's this boy that i really care about, he has been there for me throughout the past 2 and 1/2 years. we had a lot of bad times, but we worked through all that and now he is the only person that can keep me from wanting to kill myself. i get stressed out easily and i don't think that i am ever truly happy except when i talk to him. my parents only know the bad stuff that happened and refuse to believe that there is any good in him. so last night i was talking to him online and im not supposed to, but i wanted to anyway, and my dad caught me, and read my conversation seeing that i was planning on seeing this guy sometime this week. he now put a password on that computer and is making me go to work with my mom (im in my mid teens, this is ridiculous) im not 5 years old and think i should be able to decide who i do or dont talk to. my dad can read everything i say on this computer, i have no freedom, and i want to just be happy again. any advice?




  1. It sounds like you have some trust issues with your parents.  They're not going to let their little girl be around anyone who they think might hurt her.  They know that this guy has hurt you in the past, so they believe they are protecting you right now.  They're being good parents, even though it feels like c**p to you.

    One thing you could try is to ask them if this boy can visit you at your house, while they are there, so that they can meet him and get to know him.  Spend time with him in the kitchen or just sitting watching TV.  That way they might see that he has matured and that you two are real friends and they have nothing to worry about.  They might even decide that they like him!

    If he's really a good guy, he'll be into this too because he'll know that it will make your life easier if you don't have this big hassle with your parents.  See if you can sell this to your parents and start earning their trust back again.

    Good luck!

  2. so

  3. ur just gonna half to deal with it till your 18

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