
I feel really empty?

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i go on everyday putting on an apathetic face. everyone asks me what's been wrong with me lately but i always tell them nothing. my social studies teacher says i look angry at something. my sister thinks i'm depressed. i don't think i am. i just feel .. very hollow. everything bores me and i feel alone. i spend most of my time now reading books and my friend thinks that i'm becoming a loner. lots of my former "friends" comment on how i used to be this little ball of fun and now im just depressing. this sort of upsets me but i expected it. it seems like all i have to offer people is my entertainment. now that i'm not as lively, people are beginning to ditch me. how sad. i think my life is pretty S****y. i grew up with my mother being in the hospital for the majority of my childhood life. my dad was always working and i was always a burden to my sister because no one else would take care of me. recently my mother has been very moody and she's being a psycho. my dad is just trying to get away from the house as much as possible and my sister is pissed at my mom. yeah i know some people have it worse than me but it doesn't stop this S****y feeling. i feel like my life is meaningless right now . i don't know what to do . no one loves me. in fact i haven't even heard an "i love you" in about 6 years. but right now i just don't care anymore. i can't feel anything. how do i go back to being my old, lively self and start to feel things again? how do i deal with all of this? help me.




  1. im sorry just join a sport or something i hope your life clears up more and everything gets better your family is just going through hard times right now trust me things will get better but you have to keep beliving

  2. You are depressed, even if you don't 'feel it'. We don't know we are depressed because, well, who knows what depression 'feels' like? Technically, you are in the middle of a severe clinical depressive episode. It isn't until we are out of the depression that we can look back and say, "Wow, I was sure depressed"!  Depression is serious.  It can get us to do dangerous things, or do nothing at all. You didn't cause it. It's not your fault. You can't control it. Some of us have brains that don't produce enough of the chemicals that help us cope with bad stuff. When this happens we may need help to get right again (and you CAN get right again). You may need a trusted  therapist or a doctor to advise you (and be completely truthful with him or her or else they can't give you appropriate advice!)

    I've been there. I got out alive. Be brave and ask for help. You deserve good things.  

  3. Sweetie, I am so sorry that you are having such a really hard time with your life right now..At your age, there are so many things going on with you and i know that it feels lonely, and hopeless and empty to you. So, you must start to fill that emptiness for yourself. Write down on a piece of paper with two columns, all of the good things about yourself on one side and on the other put things that you would like to change about yourself. Start working on those, and then also, start writing some goals for yourself. Short-term goals and long-term goals. You should include obtainable goals and also some goals that are big dreams of yours. See, the neat thing about our mind is that it is a goal oriented and goal seeking mind. When you write your goals rather than just saying "I wish for"...., your mind also sees it written on the paper and it makes it more concrete in your minds eye and you will reach your goals easier and more quickly if you write them down....Then another thing that I suggest that you do is to get out and volunteer somewhere...someplace where you can help others less fortunate than you. It will really open your eyes and it will also give so much more meaning and understanding of all of the blessings that you really do have in your life that we all take for granted sometimes. Not only that, but helping others gives back so much more than what you put into it...It will make you feel so good to know that you can help others less fortunate than yourself. And finally, that emptiness that you are feeling......fill it up with positive, uplifting thoughts and self-talk to yourself. Tell yourself that you are a good person, that people really do like you, you have friends and family and you are blessed by so much in your life...count your blessings so to speak. Be thankful that you have a family. Alot of my family is gone now and I miss them terribly..Love them and cherish them while you still have them. If you want to hear "I love you"....then, you say it long since you told them that you love them? It is a two way street and sometimes you have to make the first move...Sweetheart, honestly, we all have problems in our lives....every single one of us, that is never going to go away, but, you can choose to stay there and be sad about it or acknowledge that it is there and go on. You do not have to live your life from that sad, empty, lonely feeling...It is ONLY a feeling...and you want to know what else that I have learned in the long while that I have been on this planet...Feelings lie to us...Sometimes we get caught up in those feelings because it is easier to sit on our butts and be sad than to get up, get out, be someone, be a ray of sunshine in someone's life...That takes courage and there isn't a whole lot of courage going around these days....Well, I see you struggling and I just wanted to say a few words of encouragement to you...Hon, you are going to be fine...Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start being the wonderful person that you are...You are going to be great....I just know that you are...!!!!! Love and blessings to you in all that you do.....((((Hugs)))...Linda....XXXXOOOOXX...
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