
I feel really guilty about quitting my job?

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I just started an on-campus job a week ago and I'm already feeling extremely overwhelmed. I am taking 15 credits and the classes are time consuming already. The job is in the accounting office and most of the information is way over my head even though my supervisor is pretty nice and tries to help explain things. But she has me scheduled every single day Monday thru Friday and in between all of my classes so I don't have a break at all to study or finish up homework. It is only a week into the semester and I'm so stressed out I can't really even sleep well at night. I did find a new job that just requires weekends and I could get the same amount of hours in 2 days as I could have it all spread out in 5 like I do now. I feel really bad about quitting because she spent time training me in but I just don't think I can handle it. I feel school should be more important than a job. What do you think?




  1. I think school is an investment in your future. If you can make better arrangements with this other job and be able to better focus on school, it is to your advantage and you should do it.  

  2. yeah you should just quit and get the new job. if its better for you than of course you should do it.

    follow your gut feeling (your instinct)

    more importantly, what do you want!

  3. Its an unfortunate situation but you gotta do what you gotta do.  Your boss may be disappointed but she'll get over it (hey if shes that disappointed she could learn to schedule people better and maybe pay a bit more).  Anyhow, if this is the best for you go ahead and do it its nice that you are thinking of your boss but there is such a thing as being to nice.

  4. Your school is your business, you job is not. You need to write a formal letter of resignation with a weeks notice so that they can find a replacement.

    Since you have to pay for school, it would be wise to at least be awake in class, with some form of knowledge of what you are studying. Working a high pressure job while in your situation is too stressful.

    I paid for a bartender school in NYC and ony worked Fri Sat and Suns at night clubs while in school. Worked hard, made money, had fun, but also had time in the week for friends family and studying.

    You have to pay your dues, but how you pay them is the real question. Leave your job on a positive note, dont just walk away.  

  5. Tell your boss the truth and give notice ... school is the most important thing for you right now .  

  6. I think if you politly explain it to your supervisor then they won't be so upset about the time spent training you and stuff.

    School does come first.  You need to focus on that right now.  So what you should do is sit down and talk to her.  Maybe you won't even have to quit.  Maybe she can redo your schedule?  If you explain the situation she might value you, you enough to keep you and fix your schedule or, be less if at all upset about you leaving.


  7. school comes first take the other job you will not be the first person to quit that job nor will you be the last

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