
I feel really sorry for dyslexic people?

by  |  earlier

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Its wrong to judge if a person is itellegenent on their spelling




  1. i know i help dyslekics

  2. I feel sorry for you and any other numty who pours cold pity on dylsexics - not per se - please. Feel soory for them in the context of the appalling way the education system treats them. As kids and adults go they / we have a difficulty but we still get around - walk, talk, laugh, eat drink and dance. Some people ain't so lucky.

    AND next time you have a statement - don't add a ? to it. It's not a question.

    What is it you want to know ?

    If it's nothing more than wanting us to know how / what YOU think then go to a chat forum.

  3. yeah you are right, but i do not think that we should go around feeling bad for them, we should try to do something!

  4. don't feel sorry for people who are dyslexic or have any other disabilities who is normal what is normal my son is Dyslexic and was told he could never graduate early, and did ,by a whole year . did u graduate early?  My son was also told he could never work in the Medical field and  after he Graduated  early is now working in the Medical Field SO................  don't feel sorry for  any one who is Dyslexic because they can do anything they set their minds to just like SO.......... call NORMAL  people  CAN U HANDLE THE MEDICAL FIELD?

  5. Dyslexic people can be very successful.  60% of self made millionaires are dyslexic because they work hard and are very driven.  What they might lack in literacy skills they make up for in other things.  My son is dyslexic but is good at sports and maths.  The most important thing is confidence, if you believe in yourself you can acchieve.

  6. I feel sorry for dyslexic insomniac agnostics. Lying there all night, wondering if there's a dog...

  7. yer! i couldn't spell if someone payed me! but i'm good at maths! it used to confuse my teachers hehe

  8. There are actors & actresses that are dyslexic & they seem to manage very well.Dyslexia is essentially word blindness,many people have this problem & are of perfectly normal intelligence,they sometimes see letters in mirror image hence confusion with some letters.b's d's p's for example.Do not confuse with learning disability.

  9. you can judge if their educated, but not necessarily intelligent.

  10. I agree with you that it is wrong to judge intelligence based only on spelling.

    Don't feel sorry for dyslexics, praise them, they are some of the most intelligent people on the planet.  I should know, I married one and I work with kids diagnosed with dyslexia every day.  

    What really amazes me are the number of people that can't spell and they have no learning issues at all.  They just make excuses for their mistakes.

  11. Ig aree

  12. Dyslexia is not in any way related to intelligence. Some of the cleverest students I have ever worked with have been Dyslexic. Yes it would be wrong to judge them for this. Charles Dickens was Dyslexic! Point made I think.

  13. os od i

  14. moo moo to you too!

    Did you hear about the dyslexic insomniac athiest - he would lye awake at night wondering if there actually was a dog!

  15. Yup :[

  16. I though at one point only dyslexics were allowed to send text messages, it looked that way.

    The real issue is, why was their problem given such a hard name for them to spell.

    Dislexhics rool ko

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