
I feel really spaced out most of the time.and sometimes its like i just cant connect with everyday life.

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i know it sounds really weird but its worrying me.and also my eyes feel really starey (even though they look ok)and its like i have a numbness in my head...i can hardly explain it.i think on the surface i seem ok to everyone and i go to work and socialize normally but i just cant shake this feeling.sometimes i feel i would be happier if i could just lie down and be alone..cos i feel pretty disconnected from everything and it takes an effort to keep it all up. I'm also pretty anxious at the moment,worrying a lot..which is giving me a horrible knotted up feeling too.does anyone else feel this way?it cant be normal?i suppose i drink quite often,but really i do it because i feel a lot better when i do so!all of those feelings disappear.




  1. I'm not a Dr, but it sounds to me that you have a form of depression. You should go to a therapist and get checked out, because the longer you push off treatment, the worse it can get. Drinking can also make you feel spaced out when it's been a while since you had a drink, and feeling anxious can be a sign of your body craving drinks.  

  2. i've had a similar feeling for quite a few years now. When i mentioned it to the doctor he put it down to anxiety and depression. One of the syptoms of both of these disorders is dissasociation. Its sort of a coping mechanism. Drinking will not help this problem, as alcohol is indeed a depressant.

    Talk to people about how you are feeling, if necessary, go and see your doctor who will be able to give you some further advice. It is nothing to worry about physically, but how you are feeling shouldn't be ignored.

    Take care x  

  3. -Spaciness

    -Eyes feeling/looking Dopey/Droopy/Glazed


    -Need for isolation

    -Feeling of disconnection from self or others



    It is normal... everyone goes though everyone of these sympotoms are one point in time or another. You just have them all together at the same time. These symptoms can branch off of Depression and expecially, ANXIETY. Did you know cronic anxity can cause mental and physical pain? Weird, huh?

    You seem to be displaying general sympoms of Derealization, a subcategory of Dissociative Idetity Disorder.

    The dissociative disorders are a group of mental disorders that affect consciousness defined as causing significant interference with the patient's general functioning, including social relationships and employment.

    To Clarify:

    Derealization is a dissociative symptom in which the external environment is perceived as unreal. The patient may see walls, buildings, or other objects as changing in shape, size, or color. In some cases, the patient may feel that other persons are machines or robots, though the patient is able to acknowledge the unreality of this feeling.

    Symptoms of Derealization include, but are not limited to:

    Spaciness, like looking through a gray veil, a sensory fog, spaced-out

    being trapped in a glass bell jar or in a goldfish bowl or behind glass, in a Disney-world dream state, withdrawn, feeling cut off or distant from the immediate surroundings, like being a spectator at some strange and meaningless game, objects appear diminished in size

    flat, dream-like, cartoon-like, artificial; objects appear to be unsolid, to breathe, or to shimmer "as if my head were inside a Coke bottle and I'm viewing the world through the thick glass at the bottom", blurred vision, numbness, feeling disconnected and robotic/automated, etc.

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