
I feel really umcomfortable riding a moped?

by Guest32648  |  earlier

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I took my CBT test today and was put onto the road after the first few hours. I'm only 16 and have never riden a motorcycle before and I have no road sense what so ever...The thing is I need this moped to get to college, if I don't have it I have to pay my dad back £600 to get the bus.

When I was on the road I felt very nervous and uncomfortable, I felt like I was going to loose control and crash the bike. All I wanted to do was go back and stop riding. My instructors main concern was my u-turns and throttle control. I really am not confident with these. The feeling of going back onto a bike and ride it makes my stomach turn. The fact that i'm going to be riding 14 miles there and 14 miles back everyday makes me worry.

My dad says to me it will be fine, he says it will be easy to do everyday. But I think hes wrong because people have told me its alot and all I want is to be doing that everyday!

So I need an honest opinion, do you think I should get the bike or should pay for bus?




  1. You will get use to it. and no you  should not motorcycle just yet. It will get better with  practice

  2. its called you learned to walk and will learn to ride

  3. Go out somewhere on a quiet road an get some practise in. have someone else ride it there for you if you don't feel comforatable taking it yourself

  4. i think you should get a bike. I ride a motorcycle and i was just like you when i first started riding I was real nervous to be on the road. I think you would get used to it and eventually enjoy the rides, and with gas prices so high a motorcycle is the way to go. hope i helped.

  5. Leaving aside the answer that equates testosterone with ability, the other answers of practice, practice is the only way to overcome a lack of confidence.

    The instructor, through slow speed control and throttle position training, was trying to give you confidence, if you didn't get it you can go back and retake the course, you know what will happen, so you will be able to concentrate on the drills.

  6. time and skill will aid you to be a better rider before long you'll be on a big bike for where you go. It's all about confidence

  7. You must be one of a kind coz most young people will find it thrilling to ride a moped. It sounds like you are not a physically well-coordinated person and if that is the case, you should not be riding! Or, you will just getting yourself into trouble.

  8. Like the others say, go somewhere quiet and practice, maybe a large empty car park, practice your u turns and just tool around until you feel more comfortable. And if you have passed your CBT there is nothing to stop you going and getting another lesson(except cost of course).

    But if you still get the bejezus scared out of you every time you go out on it, its just not worth it it, get a bus pass, your dad will probably prefer that to you getting laminated.

  9. well what you should do first is practice on that bike for about 2 maybe 3 weeks and its only a moped dude cmon that a bicycle with a moter basicly my first bike is a yamaha 750 thats over 100hp and thats my first bike and your scared of a ity bity teeny tiny moped.mopeds are nothing ther noooooothing cmon grow some balls and ride a d**n motercycle but anyway just practice is all i can say really

  10. If it really scares you don't do it.Chances are good once you ride it for a while you'll be fine.It's normal to be nervous but if the idea truely scares you your better off taking the bus.If your conviced your going to s***w up you probably will.

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