
I feel really uncomfortable around all men?

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I don't know what it is, I can't walk in front of men because I think they're looking at my bottom,

I can't go past a building site which has men working on it,

I can't do P.E with a male teacher, I start to panic..

Why is it like this? What can I do?




  1. Think about your early relationships with men.

    What was your relationship with your Dad like? Was he around? And, if he was, how did he act towards you - were you his princess or was he distant and aloof? Did you have brothers? Boyfriends who treated you badly early on?

    Feeling uncomfortable around men usually stems from bad experiences with the male figures in your life growing up. It seems as if you're incredibly anxious about how men view you sexually, which would lead me to think that you've had problems with either your father or with other male adults growing up.

    If you feel able to confront this, the best way to deal with it would probably be therapy.

    Edited to add:

    It might also have to do with the fact that you're 14, and that your view of men has just recently become far more sexualised. I'm guessing you don't have any male friends, or at least none that don't view you sexually.

    It'll pass. Men are just human beings and contrary to popular belief they don't think about s*x all the time.

  2. u seem uncomfortable with your sexuality

    u are just going to have to accept that s*x is a part of life and that you will get male attention whether u like it or not

    try to embrace your sexuality and maybe even enjoy the attention?because sexual attraction is a part of human nature whether u like it or not.

    hope i helped xx

  3. your shy and possibly the victim of abuse from a man you should talk to someone you trust about this.


  5. wear a hijab and modest clothing,and guys won't look at you "that" way.Hey It worked for me.

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