
I feel ripped off...Do you?

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I feel like mother nature ripped us off of a summer this year...where have all the sunny days gone? I've never seen so much rain and i'm not even in spain. How do you feel about it?




  1. Rain rain go away, its August!!

    Summer is nearly over and the hottest it got here was 27*Celsius and that was for one day.

    But hey this is British Weather for you.

    Last week we had hail )+

  2. It's been a very soggy summer in less than sunny Warwickshire!

    I need to move to somewhere where the sun actually shines during summer.

    ~ Agree with you Millypeed, the most summery footwear I have been able to walk the dogs in, is my trainers ~

  3. Too ^%$& hot for me this summer.    Didn't rain for 3 months.   At least I didn't have to cut my lawn.    Worked 12 hr. days every day all summer, so it was wasted anyway.


  5. no because i live in California and it is mostly always sunny  

  6. Nope. here in Southern Minnesota we have had a LOTTT of Hot sunny days with temps in the low-mid 80's and plenty of rain. Corn and soybeans are doing GREAT.

    However....Poor Iowa (to our south) really got HAMMERED by the rains and flooding.  

  7. Shockingly...I don't. Last year we didn't have a summer in was like Spring through the summer...ick! I felt ripped off last year, and I had no tan at the end of the so called summer! So I do sympathize (I was bummed about it until this summer rolled around).

    This year has been surprisingly warm and pleasant, and I have a great tan to prove it! :D

  8. in Ohio, we saw a lot of rain earlier this summer, but not so much now that it's August. However, the temperature has been dropping to about 55 degrees F at night, which is very unsual! It's been like that pretty much all summer...usually it's so incredibly hot and humid at night that it's impossible to sleep, and now I've got to gather my blankets in order to not shiver!

    I do say, however, that I'd rather it be cool like this at night than least I can sleep while it's cool out.

    Durring the day it's been pretty cool this past week...low to mid 70's. There have only been a few days where it has gotten above 85, maybe four days total the entire summer. Slightly cool here for summer. It IS north-eastern ohio though, and our weather is infamous for it's crazy mood swings.

  9. No, Live in Texas and trust me, we have had lots of sun

    it is trying to storm now, but just sprinkles of rain

    during the day, the sun is out good, and late evening is clouding up

    so sorry, you have not had enough sun,. tell ya what, I will bottle up some of ours and ship to ya...don't want you feeling left out  

  10. HA!  I'll take some rain.  I'm in NC and we are in a drought, a bad one.  I'll take all the rain you want to give and I'll send you the scorching hot, muggy, super humid days

  11. It seems like summers over before it even got started, it'll soon be autumn and we've hardly had any sun.

    It's rained that much instead of walking on the field with the dogs in my sandals, I'm having to wear my wellies, and it's August, what's going on!

  12. i hear you!

    i live by reno nevada. we had smoke from california almost the entire summer!

    i had to go to Ohio just to get some blue skies!

  13. its not mother natures fault actually... its ours...

    thanks to pollution and stuff all weather patterns are changing...

  14. Oh girlfriend I feel for you. But even if it is raining there are still some things you can do to have a good time...movies, malls,  ( and read my email I sent you...couple of good ideas in there ) ... hang in there, the sun will come out soon. There's still some summer left and fall is usually still pretty warm...I hope it will get better for you soon! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for good warm weather soon!!

  15. I live in Massachusetts and it has been eithier rainy or chilly. I felt like Summer never came, it's been so terrible. We've had rain 15 days in a row at one point, thats crazy.

  16. We ripped our selves off. It's called global climate change. Mother Nature is just responding normally.

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