
I feel sick everyday!!!!! HELP!!?

by Guest57329  |  earlier

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Ok...for a while now (i cant recall exactly how long) I've been getting these headaches!! Not migraines but really bad headaches. I have also been feeling really dizzy almost like i need to vomit but haven't. My left breast/nipple has been hurting some what, not much but to where its an irritating feeling!! Can anyone help me narrow it down to what may be causing these symptoms!! & yes I know i need to see a doctor I am going to schedule one 1st thing tomorrow morning!!




  1. My best guess...pregnant.

  2. Gatorade is bad for you as it contains a lot of table sugar and crystal light is even worse as it contains sucralose or aspartame.  These artificial sweeteners are even worse than the killer sugar table sugar (sucrose).

    Sugar can cause headaches and dizziness so the less table sugar or white sugar or refined sugar you consume the better.  See items 71 and 88 in .

  3. i get headaches and dizzyness alot, the doctor told me its from dehydration. so try drinking alot of water, as for the breast problem im not sure. it depends how old you are, if youre a teen or something maybe its growing

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