
I feel sickk! haha????????????????

by  |  earlier

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ok i have like a really bad headach and very tired but cant fall asleep i got really bad sunburn and i dont wanna take anything anything i can do?




  1. Why is this under Halloween?

  2. go to sleep

  3. put milk on a towel and smear it on ur skin

    or just ignore it and try to go to sleep

    answer mine;...

  4. wow, you're really stupid. take advil, maybe? then watch a movie till you fall asleep

    happy halloween, idiot

  5. why is this in Halloween??

  6. your stupid,  take some advil or something .

  7. go to sleeep and if you wake up and you stilll feel that way defff. take medicne .  

  8. you could drink some tea -

    drink some warm milk....

    take a cold shower for your sunburn.,....

    either than that - nothing i can do  

  9. drink a lot of water

  10. I know you said you having a hard time sleeping, but the best thing for sunburns is sleep it helps your body heal. so if you can maybe take some Tylenol for the headache and lay down in a dark quiet room and close your eyes and maybe you will fall asleep. Also you need to drink plenty of water with sunburns. But that is what I would try to do so good luck and hope you feel better real soon.

  11. well u need to sleep, scientists proved u will die without sleep for too long, thats really all u can do if ur not going to take anything!;...

  12. take tynonel and use sleepin pills! it works! i had the same problem trust me! ok hope this helps! XDp.s. add me=3

  13. just go to sleep and you with feel better.

  14. Well I was about to say smoke some dope, but you clearly already have.

    I'd recommend sleeping whilst standing. Its doable.

  15. sleep

  16. i agree with that other guy. you are being VERY STUPID. put on some aloe vera to sooth your skina and take some advil. then go to sleep.

  17.   Suffer or take an aspirin and call us in the morning

  18. meditate on your bed for a bit, just close your eyes and sit there, you dont have to listen to music or make strange oomming noises just listen to whatever you can hear after a few minutes try sleeping again

    for your sunburn, see if you have any bicarbonate of soda, mix it with water into a mushy paste and put it on your burns, after that just let it flake off gradually

  19. sleep you will feel so much better

  20. sun sickness.... antibiotics

  21. listen to music!  

  22. Put an icepack on your forehead or rub vaporub on your (temples).

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