I cant speak up for myself and I enjoy have interesting deep conversations with people. But, I'm a very emotional person who acts on impulse. I spend a lot of my time thinking, reflecting, and the result? Anger and bitterness. Since yesterday now literally remained in my room sitting, thinking, wasting time and watching the clock tick on. I hate talking and being with my family. I'm paronoid they're judgeing me all the time. I want to get out this house and away from them so much. I do love my family. But I feel a lot of hate and resentment remaining here with them, especially my mum. Im in college and I work at the moment. I've been drinking a lot recently, it makes me happy, which is wrong. I know it's probably making my "depression" worse. I like being around males in particular. Mainly because I get along with more but I feel less longer and safer and happier around them. Like, my dad left my life when I was about 6, I saw him at my grandmothers funeral when I was 12, he ignored me