
I feel so alone and depressed?

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I have recently left a long term relationship it seems she was sleeping with alot of people apart from me im so angry and have no confidence left. she was sleepin with men for money and other people.shes still meetin people while im left on my own heart broken and still jelous i have a daughter with her but i just want to run away or somthing worse i tried so hard to keep my family together HELP!!!




  1. you say "seems" is this just based on rumours or truth. theres always three sides to a story, yours, hers and the truth.

  2. you got OWNED.

    Try not to go out with s****s next time.

  3. you tried your best, but if she has treated you like this and continued to do so then shes not worth it concentrate on your daughter she needs you most, just try and remember your not the one in the wrong here and things wil get better in time,  

  4. It's natural for you to feel like this, as it happened recently.  Trust me, it takes time and you will feel a little better each day.

    Try to do things for yourself - go for nice walks, have a bubble bath, enjoy a weekend watching football with one of your mates and a few beers.

    Make sure you eat healthy food and get some exercise, as this will help you get your strength back and you'll feel more confident if you take control and do everything you can to be more positive.

  5. I know it's much easier said, than done, but you need to stop thinking about her. You clearly deserve someone so much better than her and you've got to be strong for your daughters sake. Running way/ something worse isn't going to help anyone especially not your daughter. If you tried your hardest to keep the family together then least you can stand tall and KNOW that you tried your best. it's not your fault if it wasn't reciprocated.

    Just be strong, keep yourself occupied, meet up with good friends and spend time with your daughter. In time you will feel better. I hope it goes well for you x

  6. just hold on you will find some 1 twice as nice as her!

  7. I think you really love her even though she is (base on how you describe her) an adulteress, and I think you should just spend time with your daughter to focus yourself on something else like going to theme parks, museum, library, go for a walk, watch films,  and going to Church.

  8. Look at this as a chance for a new beginning. Of course you feel down about it & will probably continue to do so for quite a while, but in time things will get better & you will realise she was not the one for you. It is better that the relationship ended, rather than continuing, because in a way, it's like living a lie. Allow yourself to feel the pain & frustration, because that's a way to start recovering from it, if that makes sense. What she's doing is not going to lead her to happiness, but that's her problem. Focus on your daughter & try to set her a good example, as her mother is obviously not much of a role model. I'm sorry you're going through this & I really hope you'll be ok. Talk to a friend if you can & take comfort in the fact that it's something so many people out there can relate to - sad, but it happens all too often. Best of luck.

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