
I feel so annoyed with everyone & everything. I am a stay at home mom of 3. Is it okay to want to be alone?

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I feel so annoyed with everyone & everything. I am a stay at home mom of 3. Is it okay to want to be alone?




  1. Some people don't like to be alone others need their space sometimes. As a stay at home mom you don't get much peace and quiet, or much time to yourself. See if your husband will watch the kids in the evening or on weekend so you can get out and take a walk by yourself. Or maybe he can take the kids out, you can unplug the phone and read a book or take a bath. No it's not wrong to want to be alone.

  2. Hi,

    Reason for upset/annoy is not mentioned in ur lines.

    I think its because of some inferiority complex.

    Mingle with people without fear.

    Share ur feeligns with close friends and relatives.

    Be a social animal we have to contact with others.

    Don't be panic.

    This is life.

    Take it as a challenge.

    Be happy and go head.............!

    All the best.

    Wishing u every success and bright future.

  3. yes it is, we all need some alone time now and again.

  4. I think it's normal to feel that way once in a while. I'm a SAHM too, We simply get overwhelmed sometimes. With so much to do, so many little ones demanding of our time and energy on a constant basis, there's not much left for desire to get prettied up and leave the house! Some days, I simply can't find the motivation! Some weeks, I have to convince myself to go to the grocery store! And some days, I want to run out of here as fast as I can! Every day is different, I'm sure you're aware. This feeling, too, shall pass! I hope you have a great weekend.

  5. Yes darling, you deserve some quality time alone!

    You're a busy stressed out mom of 3! Being a mom is the most important job in the world - and the most satisfying and happiest.

    I know this may not be of much help, but I'm 14, and I feel as if I want to be alone sometimes, because I spend a lot of time with other people. Everyone needs some me-time. And yes, I felt annoyed with people constantly wanting me to come out with them, when all I wanted was a little time to myself without being hassled. Not a lot to ask, is it?

    Maybe arrange with a relative or friend to babysit your kids while you are alone spending time with yourself only; maybe reading a book, having a relaxing bubble bath while listening to your favorite tracks?

    You're certainly not alone, and I think personally it affects everyone, no matter how old they are, who they are, or what their gender is.

  6. you need a holiday ! My mum is a home type, shes not necesarily annoyed with anyone, its just she doesn't like the go out. Sometimes i make her go out though because being home alone i think is affecting your health, because even if your shy its always good occassionaly to step out of your comfort zone. So if staying home is what your like, thats fine As long as you do go out adlease once a week . If your annoyed with everyone, you can go grocery shopping. Discipline your kids well as this is an advantage of having the time to spend with your kids. When they grow up they will appreciate you and you will feel a good connection with them , its like your not a distant mother and child type which is good.  

  7. yeah but dont stay by yourself to long. being alone isnt healthy and is depressing sometimes.. i hope you get out and start feeling happy

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