
I feel so bad that i juss don't wanna have s*x with my hubby anymore. I love him so much i juss dont have ?

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the drive i used to we have been together 15 years and we have 5 kids we are 29 years old. I am still in a size 9.(before you get me and call me fat i had to let you know i still look good for 5 kids) he is a wonderful man. He is the stay at home parent while i work and go to school full time. I am so happy that he is making it possbile for me to achive my goals.I juss don't wanna be touched kissed or anything. He is so d**n sweet and good to me and i want to make it better i hate seeing him hurt,he thinks i don't want him and that isn't it. it's me :( any HELPFUL advice would be wonderful. If you are going to be mean plz don't answer this question. thanks so much for you time *curliesue*




  1. Honestly, i think it's about time he went and got a job and put the kids in daycare.

    Your working to support the household while going to school.  That's enough stress to kill a s*x drive real fast.  

    Second thing is, as much as you appreciate what he is doing for you by staying home.  Admit it, there is a part of you that just doesn't respect him for not working.

  2. it sounds like you need a romantic get away even for a few hours, also go to the gyn it may be hormonal sschool, work and kids put alot of stress on the body so talk to your Dr.

  3. You seem too young to have lost your s*x drive!  I'm 33 and seem to be in my prime, though I'm due with our 6th child in only a few weeks so it's become increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position... lol!  Oh.. and I look d**n good for being a mama of 6 too! =)  But... I think that you should talk to your doctor about this.  It may be chemical or hormonal or something and not something that you can control or change on your own without first speaking to a doctor.  You seem to also have a lot on your plate as well.  Stress does a number on you.  I'm talking meds for anxiety and depression and they work wonders.  I'm not sure if either of those are what's going on with you but I'm sure a doc can shed some light on the problem.  Good luck mama!  =)  Hope this helps!

  4. I would go to the doctor and be tested.  Sometimes you can have low s*x drive, although you said that you work and go to school full time.  You could be exhausted as well.  After testing you may know more, also you may just need to "practice" to get your self back into the swing of things.  Do not be hard on your self just get some help your doc may be able to put you on the right track.  Another possibility is to take a semester off you may be doing too much, wish I had a hubby that helped me in my pursuit of school.  Good luck  

  5. Get some help or give him a divorce. He deserves better.

  6. mybe you're just tired or stressed out from working and being in school... talk to ur husband and let him know that he's still the most wonderful man, it's just that you've been a little stressed out and tired lately... if he's the wonderful man you think he is, he will surely understand... communication  =)

  7. Well with 5 children, a full time job and school... where's the time for your husband or the intimacy in your relationship? Do you get any QT together? Alone with no distractions? Try finding childcare for a night and go out with your husband... let loose and do something fun... roll playing maybe?? Give it a shot, what have you got to lose?

  8. Girl, I know how you feel! First of all - a size 9 and 5 kids? WOW - no wonder your husband wants you!   :)

    It's really hard to make yourself want somone sexually. I know that lately I have not wanted to have s*x or be touched...and it's not because I don't love my husband. I don't know what it is. I totally want him and he feels like he must be unattractive or something. I wish that I had the answer for you. All I know is that sometimes it helps to have a glass of wine or a drink. Sometimes I just need to relax. I think that's part of the problem for me. I feel tense or nervous most of the time because of my job...ugh.

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