
I feel so confused about running and if I should continue?

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What do you do when you feel down and unmotivated to run?

I have ran track the past two years and have two more years to go. I was pretty good my first year until I had shin problems that carried over to my second year in track. It really put me down because I got to a point that I could barely do workouts and events at meets. My times have gone down alot. I lost that excitement of someone chasing me or me chasing someone down. Should I try cross country and see if I want to continue track? my parents don't really approve of track because they see how it hurts me, my body, my lack of time of to study and do my best in school. What can I do to feel more motivated? What if I never feel motivated to run again?




  1. Sometimes you just need a break. It might help to run by yourself for a little while, or with a small group of friends. You might find that you miss the excitement of the events and other people at the track meets.

    Cross country is hard at first, especially if you haven't done that long of distances before, but if you keep at it, it gets easier and it's very rewarding at the end of a particulary long or hard run. (That was from experience lol)

    Ask yourself if you really love it. You're not going to be the best you possibly can if you're just half-heartedly doing it.

  2. just know that only you can push yourself in LDR and you need to find that will power inside you to drive.  When you do your workouts if you feel like c**p and your really tired and you want to quit just run harder and harder and give it your all so that you make sure even if you fail you did your very best to succeed.  Or if all else fails just go on YouTube and look at some of the running videos, that should get you pumped

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