
I feel so depressed. Help me please!!!!!!?

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I'm going into ninth grade, and I just feel like my whole life isn't going to well. I'm nervous about school, I've just quit violin after 10 years of playing (but I'm sorta happy about that), I just found out that all the sports teams I wanted to join at school had mandatory summer camps (so I can't join). I'm friends with the popular kids, but not considered "one of them". I'm freaking out about how to be closer with the friends I already have, while making good friends with other new kids at school. I'm stressed about getting good grades. I might quit ballet (which I've done for 10 years!), even though I don't want to, but the teachers are awful! I want to get in shape. I want to get a cute wardrobe for high school.... JUST HELP ME GET MY LIFE IN ORDER! I'M SO STRESSED, WHICH MAKES ME EMOTIONAL, AND KIND OF PISSES OF THE PEOPLE AROUND ME.




  1. I was just like you when I entered 9th grade. First it seems bad, cause everyones in cliques and stuff but it'll get better. You shouldn't have to be "impressing" your so called popular friends. They should accept you for who you are. Trust me, being popular may mean a lot to you, but its not really as what it seems. Make new true friends, don't do drugs, and study and get good grades. Sweetie, you can do it if you put your mind to it. =)

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