
I feel so different from the rest of the world? What do you think?

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I'm 17 and I've never been what people call normal. I know your going to say there's no such thing as normal. That's not true. Anybody who's a part of society knows that there's things that everyone considers normal and things that people consider strange. Everyone has differences obviously but most people are still considered normal. I don't feel normal.

I'm very quiet and shy and hate being around people for a long time. I don't like to talk and keep everything hidden from people. I like to compare myself to others just to see what's different about me. It seems that others like to talk about what they like and their talents while I like to keep it all hidden. I think I do that because I don't like feeling like I'm predictable. With others who talk more it's easy to know what they like and how they react.

People really know nothing about me. I don't like to show the real me to people, something I did last May. I auditioned for my school play and got in and played a very strange character. My mom told me that people in the audience were talking about me, about how strange it was to see me acting. I didn't audition for anybody else though, I did it for myself so I could get out of my idiot family's house for a while.

I don't really have any friends but the people I like to talk to are the nerdier kids who aren't considered popular, although some of them really get on my nerves. I'm just a very strange person. I don't like feeling similar to people, which is kind of why I don't like groups. I don't have any friends, although that kind of comes from depression and anxiety.

I'd like to have friends, but I just need to learn to be a bit more accepting. Sorry if this doesn't come out clear, I can't really explain myself. Basically I feel very different from everyone. It's not the same as being introverted because there's more to it than just that.




  1. How boring and predictable would it be to be normal? I prefer the mysteries type, the kind you learn something new about everyday. Don’t beat your self up too much about not feeling normal, that’s a normal part of growing up. Depression and anxiety really complicates these feelings as well. Depression is something I recommend you doing your own research on; there are many great people out there you can talk to on the internet that can give some really good advice. I don’t like much talking about my issues openly either, but if its e-mail, you’ve got nothing to lose, right? ; )

    And don’t forget, you’ve got one more year of high school left! After this last year you can really break free from that predictable cycle that must be driving you crazy; I’m the same. If your not sure about your future, don’t go right back into school. Adventure, meet new people – really try thinking about what you want to experience. And of coarse, don’t let your parents wishes, demands, anger, guily-trips stop you. This is your life to live, and its to short to worry about being considered normal!  

  2. i feel what your saying for me it was very difficult in away to be around my family because the ones i love i wanted them to understand me so badly .I have grown from that mabey i needed just some one to understand me and for me in away i got that given to me in away .now being around my family is the most enjoyable thing because i like being loved and being around people i love.

    for you i hope you find one person that might get to know the  real you for you can talk to  

  3. Maybe there's something about who you are that you *enjoy* keeping from the rest of the world, and you'd rather have that personal privacy, than reveal something to everybody and be seen only as they see you, but not as YOU see you.

    I relate to your description in a way. I have things about my background that I enjoy the mystique of, because the truth is that whether I reveal those things or not, I don't think they'd understand it the way I believe it needs to be understood. Human error or human ignorance cause me to enjoy working hands-on with other people's perceptions of me. I learned to see the bright side, and I almost take pity on people who have superficial perceptions. I don't think it's a problem at all to remember that people only know about you what you let them in on. I just tell myself what I DO want to let on, and what I DON'T want to let on, and I conduct myself accordingly. It's pretty simple.

    I used to be very bitter at the fact that no one could ever understand me in full, and that I was always just one thing or another to them, and they never saw me for what I believed I was. But there was a time when I decided that that's the way it's supposed to be. If you ever let someone in to know at least a FEW things about you, do it in a way that it can't be mistaken for something else. Some people are just jumping at the chance to claim they know you.

    Decide what you WANT to be seen of you, and what you rather keep to yourself, and if you do that you might get a strong idea of how you want to introduce yourself and how you want your friendships to be, and then all that other stuff that you despise, you don't have to deal with because you don't let it be a factor.

    But it's important to know what you do want and what you don't want.

    You are no kind of freak - there are usually difficult, but very real truths behind feeling starkly different to others. Things that others may never have thought of or may never have as a part of their own lives. Remember - Just decide (as specifically or considerately as you can) what you do want out of your unique situation, and what you could do without. That's taking control of your own life.

    I hope that came out clear enough.

  4. I don't think that there is anything different about you. I myself am a keep to myself kind of person , but I also know how to act like i am interested in everyday activities. You can't distance yourself from the world. yes you are right there really is no such thing as normal, but there is a thing called  blending in. I am not saying go and tell people everything there is to know about you (it's none of there business) .But do things like that audition you did it will keep your mind off things and you will be introduced to other kinds of people.  

  5. I think you remind me of myself a lot.

  6. you're not all alone on that. i used to be very much the same way, still am a little. i'ld rather be alone then suffer through dull conversations. i live more in my head and keep things to myself. you'll grow out of it some. you just need to find a channel for your emotions, like journaling or writing poetry, art. it sounds like acting is working well for you. just don't be afraid to talk to ppl and take chances. you have to constantly challenge yourself to get out and be social.  

  7. Im not like you but Im different than most people, I seem to like what is opposite of most poeple and I dont have favorites in anything, I have a very unique personality that I dont find in too many people at all.

    I have my own way of thinking and a different view on life and most things, I do to please myself and no one else.

    You are a very closed person and Im a very open person, I can be loud and obnoxious when I want to be.

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