
I feel so doomed in relationships..?

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I didn't date for a long time. I met my now ex. We talked for a month before we actually dated. It was like an instant connection. I told him about my insecurities. I am very insecure. I have never had a solid relationship. Never even had anyone be this good to me. I felt like I was his rebound because this is the way it had been with all my exes. I don't know how to explain it but I help guys who are broken. I am a good crying should apparently and then I fall for them. His ex was horrible. She spread lies about him to all his friends. Hung out with his friends. It got under my skin to the point that I didn't like anyone that was friends with her. It was wrong of me and I know it. It hurt me that she hurt him. She posted on her myspace that he was g*y. It made me so angry. He stopped talking to me because he said I was dramatic. I didn't have any drama til I met him. Me and his mom talked about it all. Then he really got pissed because his momma personally attacked him for the way he was living. Told him to grow up etc. etc. I had asked her to not say anything to him but, stupid me. He hates me. Told me to never text him or call again. So I in turn sent him a text that said I wouldn't. I changed my number the next day. I cried for 2wks. I'm not sad anymore but I really feel horrible. I don't know why I do stupid things.




  1. I am 34 and as married last year. All through my 20's I felt similar to you. I'll tell you what. Men are just not logical creatures! What does attract a man? Men are attracted to smart, confident women that simply act as if they don't need them! Truthfully, the more indifferent you are to a man the more a man wants you. It must be some type of nature thing. You give them a compliment now and again like you would give a dog a bone. Act like you don't need them, and they need you! Men can make the same mistakes. Check out this article I found. I learned the hard way!

  2. hmmmm that is not ture of all men at all--immature ones yes--cuz most of them are immature--and not ready for a functional relationship....i highly doubt that you, sunshinem, have had great success with men if that is the philosophy you go buy, b/c from what i've seen 90% of the time, guys with high bf potential, are not like that at all : D

    for the healthy individual, women who act like they don't need the guy only makes the guy actually not need them....the sexes are supposedly equalized, but with both sexes practices such philosophies these days, it's no wonder relationships don't work.....acting like the other person is nothing, only pushes guys away does not, in the health individual, make them want you more

    most of the people who write relationship advice, actually probably aren't having them/know what they are doing, otherwise they'd be doing it, and from what i've seen, yes that is pretty accurate

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