
I feel so down because I didn't won the lottery and I invested good money on it, what can I do to feel good??

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Should I try over and over again or just leave it to my luck and purpose in life called Karma?

As a friend told me to do, I tried to attracted the luck with my head, but I guess I didn't put that much effort on it? Or there is something wrong with what I ask God or the energy for???

What can I do?




  1. SIMPLE WAY IS dont bet  or dont bet with so much money. like gambling and lottery. if u dont bet so much money u wont feel so down

  2. Don't be an idiot!

  3. Don't let it bother you.  A lot of people use their money on many worse things than the lottery.  We're all human and to be human is to make mistakes once in awhile.  

    My advice to you is next time use only a little money on the lottery and the rest on something that will have a more lasting effect on you such as, a book or music.

  4. The lottery is the kind of gamble that has lots of peopel losing small amounts and very very very few peopel winning extremely large amounts.  It woudl be very misguided to expect to win it.

    Sometimes you need to look at the long term effect this has on your life, often you may think and feel that whatever amount of money you just lost is a lot, but when you sit and reallise how much money you make in a week/month year/whatever and how mcuh money you spend on other stupid things liek movies and other unneccessary expenditures, its very likely that the amoutn of money you lost is very trivial, and very similer to what you spend on other things.  Would you feel terrible if you brought yourself and say your two kids to see a movie 10 times in a  month and spent 400 dollars doing so?  its not much different than playing a 1 dollar lottery ticket 10 times a day for a month and losing all of them.

    So put it into perspective and dont worry about it.  Iv  wagered as much as $1,050 on one singel hand of blackjack, and lost, thats probibly way more than you just lost in the lottery, but my life is gogin just fine and im a very happy individual. I will continue to play blackjack as long as i live and am not discouraged by that moment because i knwo that lsoing is part of the game.  I do not however encourage you to continue playing the lottery since you cannot be a garanteed winner in the lottery.

  5. invest more the second time.

  6. Most people who win the lottery don't play expecting to win, they just buy a ticket for fun and get lucky. So instead of playing with high expectations, try looking at it as cheap entertainment.

  7. You've already asked this question.  Get help with obsessive compulsive disorder.  That may be why you lost so much money, you don't know when to stop, just like you don't know that once you ask a question, there's no need to repeat yourself.

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