
I feel so drained but can't sleep when I go to bed?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone help me? Anyone got any good methods of getting to sleep please? Thanks x




  1. Go to a psychiatrist and get some prescription sleeping pills.

    Before then I'd recommend's meant for allergies but my psychiatrist said (after I got dependant on practically every sleeping pill out there that is safe for minors) I should just use that to help me sleep.

    I've tried other remedies but pills were the only thing that has ever really worked for me.

  2. I'm the same. You probably have an over-active mind. The trouble with trying to get a better nights sleep is that you end up feeling apprehensive before you go to bed. All I do is lie on my back and just let my thoughts come and go. I find that I'm usually asleep within one hour if I do this. I keep waking up all the time though, but that's probably due to the medication (escitalopram) that I take.

  3. Ugh.. I'm the same way. I'm so tired at night that my eyes water and burn but yet I cannot sleep no matter what. It will roll around 4-5 AM before I can manage a few hours in. I'm pregnant so I can't take anything for this but there are over the counter drugs and perscription drugs that you can take for this problem. Good luck.

  4. join the club, the only thing i can suggest is sleepin tablets such as nitol which say they will send u in to a natural sleep , i intend on tryin them

  5. sleeping pills are a terrible idea, they made me worse, its just a mental thing but maybe just try reading or something, nothing u havent heard before no doubt but still

  6. Hot bath each night,lavender scent on pillow,good airflow,soft music,late night news on radio.Valerian or st john's wort or a whiskey (double) other herbal remedies are do not say why you are drained,so no-one can accurately tell you

  7. Don't watch T.V. within an hour of going to bed.  Read a book.  I read to fall asleep.  There's something about laying there with your eyes moving back and forth that just knocks you out.  Seriously.  Don't get hooked on pills.

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