
I feel so evil for doing this and i wanna know have u !?!?!!?

by  |  earlier

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ever eaten raw cookie (biscuit) dough

i hav :)

sometimes it tastes better than the actual biscuit cuz i suck at cooking




  1. omg how is that evil? haha everyone has done it! they make icecream with cookie dough!

  2. I've actually bought dough for the purpose of eating raw, I do it quite often actually.

  3. Yeah I have.I don't think it will kill me xD

  4. lol yea i have it does taste better bout time someone agrees with me!!

    dont feel evil i eat dirt and those white rocks that are for plants lol

  5. yep I have!

  6. haha i LOVE eating raw cookie dough! gives me the runs :-O

    hahaha but it's so good.

    especialy chocolate chip kinds. yummmmmmmmmm

  7. All the time :)

    You're not really supposed to .. because of salmonella.. but It does taste better than the actual cookie!

  8. I always eat dough. I eat all kinds of dough. People think it's weird sometimes, but I like it. =) I can't help it!

  9. Yes, yummy

  10. No, but  my brother  did like to eat cookie dough and had  to get treated for pin warms .so be

  11. i think there awsome i eat them all the time

  12. I love raw cookie and biscuit dough :D

    It's a guilty pleasure, but your fine as long as you didn't overdoes (eat the whole package) :p

  13. thats not evil everybodys done it before.

  14. i LOVE eating raw dough but i dont do it all the time

  15. Oh my gosh, I eat a little almost every time I've made cookies and never gotten sick!  I know you're not supposed to but I can't help myself!

    Also, when cooking the cookies, I take them out a minute or so early. That way, they're still a little doughy!

  16. yes!


  17. Yea i always have it when i cook i've never got sick it is good!

  18. why.




  19. Yeah. Hasn't everyone?

  20. I have eaten raw cookie and biscuit dough and it is good .

  21. yuh, i love raw dough.

    i always sneak some.

  22. ummmm........wut?

  23. If your talking about cookie dough no your not alone. I love cookie dough I think it tastes really good especially on ice cream.

  24. yeah, it's yummy.

  25. thats one of those good sins that god lets slide bc they are so tasty.

  26. I love it too...ever since i was little!! hehehe

  27. I buy cookie dough and just never make the cookies. All the extra work for cookies that don't taste as delicious? no way. =)

  28. i feel soo confuse bout this..really!

    my answer:I DONT KNOW!

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