
I feel so horrid, how do I feel better.?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I went to my friends birthday party...Well we ended up going to another gals house and we all ended up playing truth or dare. At first it was just funny, then it kind of got a little serious. Well and then they made this rule that you couldn't back down. So this senior guy asked me to give him a bj, and I kept saying no. And like basically everyone, pushed me up to the room and then he made me. I feel so bad about it. I mean I'm only like 13, and then he started touching me..And then I started to cry and he wouldn't stop..How do I feel better about this? I feel so depressed and like a w***e, and like now I'm kinda...well worthless. Please help with any stratagies you may have..




  1. Is he 18? Even if not that's definitely rape. Report him, and when justice is served you will feel better. Also talk to your parents and tell them what happened. Those friends of yours were not so great to make you do that. Remember it should always be your choice to do ANYTHING like that with ANYONE. That was violation, and is very much wrong. You are not a w***e, and definitely not worthless. Next time you see those friends, tell them how you feel, and maybe don't see them as often.

  2. stop now. it is not your fault stop blaming yourself you were raped you had no power over it you told him no he did it anyway. your NOT worthless! anything but worthless. you should talk to someone and then tell the police it might be hard but it is the right thing to do. after that i beg of you pray to god get a bible pray god will help you i promise!

  3. honey...sorry to tell you this...but you got raped...the same EXACT thing happened to me two years ago..coinsidently I was 13 too...I would report him...specially if he's 17 or older...then you did get raped wheather it was consentual or his *** and get him in trouble...find some new friends...and kick his *** next time if he trys it again...your not a w***e...your not worthless and it's not your's his fault...tell your parents, they should understand cuz it wasn't your fault and you got raped, and if you need to talk to anyone who knows what your going through just e-mail me and I'm right here always...I know exactly how you need to find new friends too...tell your might be hard to at first but you have to...get his name and everything and call the police...but do it soon or the police won't do anything...after about three'll be nothing to them...they won't have any proof or'r friends will have it right in their mind about what the police can talk to them if they me hon...I waited for a while before I decided I wanted to get back at him...and the police wouldn't do anything cuz it had been so long...

  4. Basically he raped you and u can press charges if you want.

    HE made you feel like this and he deserves to pay for it.

    you need to talk to someone about this.

    If you don't feel comfotable talking to your parents, contact you doctor. DO NOT blame yourself

  5. It might be hard to fathom the reality of THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. He shouldn't have done this to you. You need the support of good friends and family. Tell your parents! I'm so sorry sweetie. You are not worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. First of all, what he did by making you was basicly rape. Reporting him would make you feel better, as would getting some real friends who will support you and help you. Make sure you're open with your parents as well. Trust me I know it's hard to go to them when your ashamed and embressed. I've had to do it before, but you know what? After i came clean i felt SOO much better. it wasn't a dirty little secrate eating at me. If you keep it quiet it will eat at you.

    Light makes the darkness fade away. Truth makes the lies dissapear. Honestly makes the shame go away.By the way, if you're 13 and he's a Sr. than he's likely 4 to five years older than you. A court could take him for child molestation. Especially if he's 18. What he did was WRONG, flat out. It is what it is, it's rape. You said no, and he forced you. plain pure and simple. You MUST do something, because he'll only do more to some other poor girl, or to you again. And you don't need to have that pain eating at you.


  7. Tell your parents what happened and ask them to help you call the cops. What this guy did to you is illegal !!

    You are not a w***e and you are not worthless!!! This not your fault in any way.

    Please talk to your parents and report him so that he can't do this again!!

    Take care of yourself !!!!


  8. Firstly, you have done absolutely nothing wrong. You have been forced into a situation that you couldn't get out of and you should not be blaming yourself at all. You have been violated and it is no wonder that you feel so upset and worthless. But please, listen to me when I say you really shouldn't feel like that. The only worthless person is the idiotic jerk that took advantage of you. I really think you need to talk to someone about this - whether you realise or not, but you have been assaulted. If you can't talk to your parents, please speak to a member of staff at your school or a counsellor. They will treat what you tell them in confidence. But, if you have the strength to do so, you really need to report this boy. What happened goes WAY beyond fun and he needs to be stopped, because next time he might rape somebody.

  9. Dear, he raped you. You can press charges against him. It's NOT YOUR FAULT. In any scenario, if someone is making you do something sexual that you DO NOT WANT TO DO, it's considered rape. Report him to the police.

    And honey, don't put yourself down over it. He's a loser, but your not a w***e.

  10. he basically raped you, i would press chrages and tell your parents they''ll help you through this. I'm so sorry for wat happen really sorry i feel bad for you.

  11. its rape, report it, tell your parents, none of those people could obligate you to do that, you arent a w***e, your a victim, im so sorry that this happenned too you, and youll feel so much better when you finally get this off your chest and something good happens

  12. Wow, I am so sorry. A similar thing happened to my friend. Don't worry, you are not a w***e and that senior guy is a d**k. That borders on rape. The best thing to do is to talk things through with your friends and possibly your family if you feel like you should tell them. You will feel better eventually.

  13. Maybe you should talk to someone about this or press charges...but you should at least talk to someone about it like a parent or a friend that way you can get it out and off your chest and if you don't want to press charges for sexaul harassment (which this would be considered) than just find someone you trust to talk to. It should make you feel better knowing that you have someone there

  14. Wow, i think you were in a tough spot, but you should of just ran out and not do it. Try to listen to music, dance around, thats what i do to try to forget bad things.

    Good Luck, wish you the best.

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