
I feel so left out! what should i do?

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i have this friend who is friends with some of the preppy ppl at school and we sit with them at lunch everyday and i feel so left out because idk very many of the ppl that sit there. so everytime i try talking to my friend she acts like im not even there and it really bothers me! and all my other friends dont have the same lunches as i do so...? wat should i do! i have known her for three yrs and shes cool and all (also always wants her way. shes very hard to explain.) i need some help!!




  1. You have to try to make the best out of it.

    Try talking to other people around the table. Start the conversations. Or at least join in the conversations. That's a way you could try to get to know the other people you don;t already know.


    Edit: I really need someone to talk to. Remember you answered my last question. My Aim Screenname is somvietkid

  2. I know it's hard to do, but start looking for some NEW friends.  This friend doesn't sound like a friend at all.

    Isn't there any way you can change your lunch time?

  3. Friends are not forever.  You will lose friends when you get older and wiser.  People get married and people move.  You want to let her know how uncomfortable how you feel when she is with her other friends.  You should not be left out in the dark.  There is billions of people in this world, I am sure making a friend will not be hard for you.   If she thinks that she can step over you by not respecting you, you seriously do not have a TRUE friend.  

  4. When I was in elementary school my best friend did the same thing to me, she thought she was too cool to be seen with me for some odd reason (she did that with all her other friends too). It took me till my junior year of high school to finally confront her. I would say confront her about it, if she truly is a good friend she'll see what she's doing and change. If not she's not worth your time or much of a friend. You can possibly save your friendship by not letting it get out of hand, I waited too long and no longer have my best friend of 10 years.

  5. she's not a real friend because she's trying to put up a front around her other friends i would dump her and change my schedule to where all my real friends are at or i would try to be friends with the preppy people talk about fashion they like stuff like that.

  6. Sounds like she has made other friends and that is what you need to do.  If she is ignoring you then find someone else to hang with.  People change.  We all lose friends over the years.  In school it is because of moves, new activities and new interests.  Out of school it is work, school and marriages.  The better you are able to handle it and move on, the better off you will be in life.  My daughter is going through this right now.  She is on the goth/emo/club side and her best friend has turned preppy and athletic.  So I have told her to find people with the same interests as her (comics, art, music) and start hanging with them.  Don't ever try to change yourself to fit in with the new group, just be who you are and find others to be friends with.  

  7. She sounds like she is just wanting to look cool. If she didn't like you, she would not be sitting with you. Yes, she should pay more attention, but like you said, she likes things her way. Just remember, your lunch will change in the future. You are not stuck in this forever.

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