
I feel so lonely at night that i even cry.

by  |  earlier

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Every night after my parents went to bed and the house fills with nothing but silent and the sound of my heart beat, my heart slowly fills with fears and loneliness. The feeling of isolation and sadness has rotten me inside, which making me to explode with other painful emotions, such as worry, sadness, pain, fear, guilt, regret, hopeless, and etc. That kind of feeling has caused me to be unable to sleep at night, therefor i had to stay up real late(around three to four) until my body can't fight off those feelings and let it completely takes over me. I used to love the night, it allow me to enjoy being alone without other's drama and the vitals of silent. Now the silent has conveyed to a monster, haunting me, hurting me til i let it take over me completely.

Is there anybody out there understand what i am going through?




  1. go watch a comedy movie. you'll be alright.

  2. i understand,same thing used to happen to me. i would love to be alone at night,just to have time to think but then i got older and i would like beg my mom to stay downstairs just a little longer,and then i would try to fall asleep on the couch so i wouldnt have to be alone up stairs, it worked for a little while but then i came up with a solution,watch tv. it takes stuff off your mind and you just think about their life,and its like someone is there with you so your not lonely anymore,i wish you luck.

  3. Can you love the night again?

    I think it's so good and quiet that I can do my stuff without being disturbed by family members and the environment (like traffic noise).  

    Keep yourself busy instead of lying in bed waiting to fall asleep.  

    Watch tv, do yahoo answers, pick up a hobby, etc.  instead of thinking about stuff that can bug you.

  4. PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. It sounds as if you are having a tough time at the minute and some of these immature answers must be rather annoying.  

    These feelings you are having are not healthy and I recommend that you see a therapist.  They will help you identify why you feel like this.  There might be a reason or several reasons.  Either way you can stop this.  Personally I would recommend purposefully thinking nice thoughts.  These thoughts can be pleasant thoughts from your past or thoughts that you dream up.  Like having a nice dream but while you are awake.  The power of the imagination is wonderful and can be used for great things.  At the minute you are focussing on your negative feelings so much, this only feeds them.  You can break this cycle.  You can overcome this, just try positive imagery and talking to someone who will listen to you.  Best wishes.

  6. just dont go suicide bombing...

  7. OMG

  8. I'm in there to and i know how it feels. I feel sorry for you. I think of death, loneliness, and my future. The thing I do is my parents got me a pet, (my suggestions are dogs, cats, parakeet, and the one with the easiest care lab rat. I hope this helps.

  9. I used to suffer from this a lot when I was a teenager.  Sometimes it recurs.  What I do is get busy doing something.  If you are not tired at night then do some housework, gardening, cleaning during the day.  Go our more often and make friends in an area that interests you.  But you have to make it happen for you...  do something for others, help others out, go out with friends, listen to what they have to say, etc.

  10. yeah, ive felt like that at times

    it will probably pass, meanwhile try to do something you enjoy during those hours you are awake, get a good book or something

  11. I do.. It happens to me sometimes. I feel lonely even if my boyfriend is next to me.  

  12. Yeah, the same thing happens to me, it did recently a couple of weeks ago, but if I do that, I just turn some music or the tv on, it helps, but when it didnt I thought about what I would do later, or just hung out with my friends for a day and look forward to the next day, that helped me a lot. Hopes it helps you, I hate that feeling, so I know what your going through.

  13. i understand.... sometimes i feel the exact same way!

  14. I  totally do understand, I go through the same thing... hints me being up this late. Anyway I am a happy person so I dont understand why I feel this way, but I have had a LOT of trauma up until recently so that may be why i still feel this way just because I'm used to it. Do you feel scared?? like your scared something is going to go wrong? like your going to have to feel something horrible? idk if im exactly the same i may be saying something completely different anyway im going to the doctor for it so i will let you know what i find out. cuz u pretty much explained how i feel every night.

  15. Maybe..You should see a sleep doctor..they hook up like 1-2 courds to you and see what is going on in your body i have had the same problem and after i saw the sleep doctor it all went away he should proscribe some medication for you  

  16. Yes....implement change in your life, change your routine,do things differently throught the day,get married, or find yourself a good partner whom you can share your feelings with.  

  17. well just pray until u fall a sleep

  18. you have some sorrow in ur heart,just forget everything and pray afterthat sleep,u can

  19. Maybe you should talk to someone at night. I've felt so alone like what your feeling before it comes along when my depression comes. You just have to think of the good things and forget the loneliness. But the only thing i can tell you that will help you is to talk to someone about it. It really helps if you talk to a close friend or a close relative who will understand.

  20. yeah i go through the same exact thing

    i really hate it

  21. not me  

  22. Yeah crazy people usually go through that

  23. I did, for awhile when I was younger but Im over it.

    Have you try going out maybe find a lover and share feelings with him that way you dont so alone?? Im sorry to hear this, Dont think too much its not good, think positive when you do. Ok hope this helps. Good luck ma!

  24. I went through something similar. it revolved around the inevitability of death when I was 7 years old. couldn't sleep for 3 weeks. it'll pass. everything does. but there's nothing anybody can tell you to make it go away.

  25. are you emo by any chance?

  26. h**l No

  27. Just go m********e or something; Jesus Harold ******* Christ.

    Get a life.

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