
I feel so sad, my sons growing up...anyone else feel this way?

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My son just turned 1 year old in July and it seems like time is flying by. He started walking practically overnight a few days ago, he doesn't use a bottle anymore, hes talking, pointing out body parts when you ask him. It really hit me hard today when I finally threw out all of his baby bottles. I held them around for a few weeks after he stopped using them because I felt like he was a baby with them there. can anyone relate to me on this subject or give me advice on how to cope with these changes. I just feel like crying because hes growing up so quickly and I don't know where the time has gone, i feel like he just was born yesterday.




  1. YES.  And then we had our second and she's getting big too.  I guess number 3 will be soon.  then 4 and 5.....ahhhh!  But seriously, yes. My almost three year old won't even let me call her baby anymore, she tells me "no, I'm bbbiiiggg now!"  

  2. Don't mourn for the past. Find joy in the things that point to him growing up. Each milestone is precious, not a thing to be feared. Your goal as a parent is not to keep an eternal baby, but to raise a responsible, contributing member of society.  

  3. i know how you feel my baby almost 2 i wanna cry i miss the days holding him and rocking him and stuff now it like i'm playing leave me alone lol so something like that i wanna have another one but i have a step son with downs and it hard having him and my lil one too cause there always fighting so it is sad to see the grow up it what they do  

  4. That's so normal.  And there's a good lesson to be learned here.  Learn to let go a little at a time and watch him flourish in your care.  That way, you get through the terrible twos when he's telling you he hates you and exploring his world more and testing more boundaries or when he starts preschool and you're apart more often or when he scampers off to kindergarten and 1st grade or a zillion other things that are going to happen as he gets older.  And by letting go a little at a time, he's learning more to depend on himself and then, later, having responsibility and the consequences and rewards that come with that.  It's okay to feel sad.  My daughter just started high school and wanting to do a lot more with friends.  She and I have always been very close so I'm having to let go yet again.

  5. I so know what you mean.  I look at my son each day and say how big he's gotten and how he is not a baby anymore.  Sometimes it gets a bit depressing but then I think about how great he is and how his personality really brightens up my day, and how good he is at doing certain things.  It is amazing how fast they grow - they don't stay little for long so just take lots of pics and look back at them often (I always do)!

  6. My son just turned 13, I'm only 32... I can so relate, My Friend...

    I think that you are already doing what you should. Obviously you are the kind of parent who embraces every milestone and stage, otherwise you wouldn't even be aware of how fast it is passing. So, with that said, you are doing all a person can do-- soaking up and relishing in every second. If you do that, you'll at least enter the teen years (the stage in parenthood that I'm embarking on) knowing you engaged in every moment and were grateful for the blessing that is parenthood.

    Just be grateful to see the next beautiful childhood stage beginning instead of regretful that the prior stage is ending...

  7. I feel EXACTLY the same way.  Today is my daughter's first birthday, and I have teared up more times than I can count.  Some out of joy, but many out of sadness.  Im bummed.  They really do grow way too fast.  She has been down to just one bottle at bedtime for a couple months, and tonight was the second night she has gone to bed without a bottle at all.  I held on to this time because it was our time (and the ONLY time she would tolerate me holding and cuddling her :( )  Now its over and im super sad.  They arent babies anymore!  I just try to stop myself from feeling sad by realizing how much my love grows for her every single day, as she grows.  As much as I wish she could just stay little forever, its fun to see how much she is learning and becoming her own little person.  Cheer up, and take LOTS of pictures for memories!

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