Okay, I usually write about my probs & ask q's but now here's something good!!! I've been poor to somewhat poor all of my life. We were dirt poor for the last year b/c my mom couldn't work due to illness. My bro also couldn't work due to illness. Now, my bro is getting disability from the military & my mom is getting disability & she just retired so she should be getting a pention soon. I have a small part-time job. I just calculated it and we're now middle-class. OMG!!! Wow! The only thing is I feel weird now. For the last month, it's been carefree. We've eaten out, bought stuff, etc. We no longer have to struggle. Never again will I have to worry when will more money roll in for the necessities. The only thing is we still have that poor look. Will we always have that? You know how you can look at a person & tell their poor even if they have nice clothing on. Also, I've gained 10 pounds=(