
I feel so ugly all the time, what can I do to make myself look and feel pretty?

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I am 17 and feel ugly, I dont want to post my picture because I dont feel comfortable with the way I look. Im thin, very thin but I have streth marks on my butt, my hair is long and blonde and I have big blue eyes which look kinda scary! I dont have nice clothes even though i have a job and i do well in school i just dont have time for me. Would a girly night in work? just to make me feel pretty even if im not? Alot of people ask you to rate but i feel they want atention by posting their pic so i dont think i will and because i do genuinley feel gross. Thanks for your time.




  1. Try to find something that you like to do. After feeling good about that it might make you feel better about yourself and then you could look pretty to yourself. Pretty clothes and things don't always work for people in you position.

  2. I feel the same way about myself. Maybe if you put about an hour aside for your looks then maybe you would look better. try different hairstyles and wore a bit of make up you would look better. I have long hair and i straighten it every day and it only takes me 20-30 minutes to do, it makes a big difference in what you look like. And remember that a person makes the clothes the clothes do not make the person. So it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you feel comfy in them.  

  3. long blonde hair and big blue eyes! ur so lucky. ur probley real pretty. but if you want to make yourself feel pretty try getting a new hairstyle or new makeup. that always helps me.

  4. this has nothing to do with the way you look

    you need a confidence boost

    do things that make you feel beautiful on the inside

  5. well you say you have a job you ust dont have time for you well then make time get you an outfit you love get a haircut and why dont you ask the hair cutter which style she would prefer that way you would know other people like it.

  6. dont listen to  people that say plastic surgey, im sure you dont need it.  I think first you need to accept who you are and become confident with yourself and everybody has flaws and good quality and im sure you do to, you just need to not be so hard on yourself. If you have a job and money then why not go out and buy yourself a few nice clothes that you feel look good on you.

    remeber beauty is not all about what on the outside.

  7. you sound very beautiful

    normally when i feel like that i have a girly night in and it works for me

    longg hairr - i would love my hair to grow

    big blue eyes - luckyyy you mine are tiny brown eyes with non existence eye lashes  

  8. Go get you hair styled by a reall good hair dresser, go to department stores such as Macy's, Norstramds, ect and get your make done...its totaly free, then look in fashion magazines a the hottest and latest fahions and go but some clothes like that.

  9. How can a person actually not think positive about their self; you don't like the way you look than change it.  You don't need plastic surgery to make your self look good. You can go shopping for better clothes Etc.  

  10. i bet your not as ugly as you think. but you could try to get a makeover at the mall or something. you really need to have some "you" time.  

  11. it sounds that u are a really pretty and i always feel ugly too(because i am but u i don't think u are) the thing that u can do is don't go in front of the mirror and say oh i'm ugly... it actually works.

    good luck!!

  12. I don't know.  Maybe you should post your picture.  Or email it to me=)  It's hard to help you if I don't know what you look like.  But you can always get plastic surgery.

  13. Sounds like you need a makeover.(PRONTO)..

    easy- You don't like your hair.. get a new haircut.. go short. experiment with hair color. use your eyes to your advantage make your "scary eyes" your best feature.. spend time figuring out ways to make yourself comfortable with who you are. TRY FOCUSING ON THE INSIDE FIRST.. (*** remember there is always going to be someone better looking than you and someone worse looking than you. (; ) if you feel ugly you'll look ugly... people can tell BELIEVE ME.

    GOOD LUCK!!! <3


  14. its up to you to transform yourself to who you feel comfortable with.

    either that or stand nexted to an uglier chick.

    but the clothews that catch your eye,the ones you like and buy them on a impulse and wear them.

    when you have free time,try out hair styles and experiment with make up,most women have stretch marks its part of life,your but must grow....dont trip on yourself,being successful is way more important than being a  superficial look at me notice me broad.

    you will find yourself in time just have fun with it.

  15. You may feel ugly, but deep inside you is prettiness.

    Maybe put makeup on if you want,no-one will see your butt so dont worry, i big eyes are the best! BOys love them!.

    Stop stressing! One day you'll find that special someone who would love you for wo you are but not for what you look like

    LOves x

  16. How do you think you look ugly?. From your description, it seems like you are a pretty girl with low self-esteem. If you feel really self conscious about your appearence, you should hang out with your friends or anyone you feel comfortable with. You shouldn't spend your whole life worrying about your appearence, when you could be out with friends having a good time. I am sure you have a great personality. :)

  17. Find something about yourself that you do like and play up that feature.  Also carry yourself with confidence.  That shows people that you are comfortable with who you are on the inside and they will be too.  

  18. im sure u are very pretty but if u don't think so u could wear more makeup eyeliner only on the bottom will make ur eyes appear smaller and die ur hair if u don't like it take a couple of days off work and go shopping i hope this helps

  19. you know what always makes me feel pretty? new , pretty underwear. go to victoria's secret, and get something s**y and silly. no one will know you are wearing it, and you will feel pretty. plus, find something about yourself that you DO like, and concentrate on that. everyone is beautiful in some way, even if it is only that they have a beautiful soul. others react to how you feel about yourself. if you feel good about yourself, others will intuit that, and they will see that you are beautiful, too. and, yah, a girly night in usually works for me , too! :)

  20. im sure u look fine

    god made us the way we are for a reason and some day some guy will love the way u look.

    if u want to change ur look thats fine

    i think u can get rid of stretch marks with lotion. my older sister uses lotion for pregnant woman to get rid of her stretch marks. blonde hair and blue eyes are usualy good.

    find a way 2 do ur hair that looks good.

    maybe go buy some clothes that show off ur features and make them look good.

    dont doubt  ur beauty.

    you sound pretty

  21. i think you sound really pretty and i would love to see a picture. please post one?

    and go shopping with some friends, get a new hairstyle, and get a makeover.

    you'll feel great in no time!

  22. you sound cute...thin is not bad, everyone has some sort of stretch eyes are great, and blonde hair is like that. What would make you feel pretty is a really nice outfit, some nice jewelry and al ittle makeup...get yourself something nice.

  23. try getting a mini makeover (go to a salon and get a new haircut and some highlights, and go to a make up counter (like at macys or sephora) and get your make up done. you can also try going shopping with your freinds, who will help you pick out clothes that look good on you) you'll feel more confident,which will make you feel better about yourself.

  24. If you dont like yourself .... noone else will.

    Start with you.  

  25. Plastic surgery.

  26. Plastic Surgery?

  27. You sound pretty, everyone is pretty.  :)  You should have a girls only day and go shopping with your friends, they can help you pick out some nice clothes and won't lie about how it looks on you. after you should go to the beauty salon and get your nails done with them.  At the end of the day, have your friends come over to your house and watch movies and just have fun.  Always laugh, you'll feel better. I know I do.


    You think you're ugly comparing youself to people who are older or wearing make up. Just live you life.

  29. Exercise releases yummy endorphins into your system and helps your self-esteem.  Try it sometime.    

  30. I feel ugly sometimes too. And i know someone who has stretch marks on their butt too. But that doesn't matter because when do u show ur butt? When u are trying on a bathing suit just get one without a thong bottom!! I am sure ur eyes don't look scary! I think a spa day would do you some good! :)  

  31. The only thinng you cann do is Believe in your self! You sound veryy prettyy! so just believe in the self and the love yourself bc i have a feeling you are beautiful!

    <33 Mc

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