
I feel something like beating insid e the side of my right hand?

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this happens a lot, just not on my hand. i feel something jiggling in my leg or something. it's so weird/annoying, what could it be?




  1. it throbs. thats what happens. its normal and happens to everybody. but if it is constant and painful..tell your doctor.

  2. its probly cuz u have booty hair

  3. nerve tingling / arthritis

  4. it is just a twitch they will stop eventaully if they dont go to the doctor

    hope i helped

  5. nerves

  6. Well probably your pulse and if a vein is twisted or there it pressure on it the blood has a harder time circulating through it so you will sometimes get that throbbing sensation. When it happens massage the area and relax because stress can also cause little twitches if you blood is racing.  

  7. It's Lil Wayne, Pumping that bass

  8. well if your not feeling well go to the doctors hun.

    - Savannah

  9. That's normal... I think it means you're growing.

  10. same

  11. yeah that happens

    its just like... throbs sometimes....

    theres nothing wrong with you.

  12. in your hand.. maybe its your pulse??  

  13. it's your body delivering blood to your hand/fingers so you can m********e.  

  14. it's just twitching :D. nothing bad. usually goes away if you use that muscle when it happens.

  15. I don't know.  That happened to me before.  Oh, by the way, I like the answer that Ziggy gave.  It's probably not the right answer, but I like that!  

  16. Probably a nerve jumping or it could be just your pulse

  17. Is it your junk, and by "junk" I mean p***s

  18. dunt worry it normal

  19. A muscle is twitching. Nothing to worry about. Sometimes they last longer than at other times. It's absolutely harmless, but very annoying.

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