
I feel sorry for my husband. I know he's sexually frustrated but he doesn't want to have s*x

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Usually it's me that doesn't want it since the pregnancy. I haven't had the urge for it, but I still wanted to please my husband, so I would do it anyway. Well for the past couple of months, I haven't wanted it AT ALL...not even for his sake. So, he had been going without for quite a while (and commenting about it). To make a long story short, now HE won't do it. I feel like it's because I'm so huge now (I'm 36 weeks) that he doesn't want me. He says he doesn't want to jeopardize me possibly going into preterm labor or hurt the baby. Is that just an excuse or do men really think about those things??




  1. Some men might, but my husband never thought about those things! He wanted it all the time, and just like you, I never wanted it while I was pregnant. I also did to make him happy a few times, but towards the end I just couldn't anymore. I know he was frustrated, but it's only a few more weeks til baby is born and then only a few more weeks after that til you can have s*x again. Assuming you're in the mood then or have time lol.  

  2. No, men really do think about that.  Let him know that it is perfectly safe to do it the whole pregnancy unless the doc says its not.  Also, let him know in 1 week you will be term and its not going to hurt the baby.  Even at 36 weeks babies are really healthy.

    Its possible he doesn't know how he will handle you at your size.  I know it was really hard to find a position past 7 months.  Make sure he understands he has to wait 6 weeks after the baby is born.

    ...On another are certain he isn't cheating on you right?  All the waiting can drive some men to cheat and that can make him guilty and not want to have s*x with you.

  3. I'm sure he's generally worried..

    I'd say please him in other ways

    he'll like that i bet..

  4. I am sure he means it.  It is probably pretty intimidating to see your wife's body change so much and I think men are somewhat "scared" by it.  I am sure he is just wanting to make sure you and the baby are safe.

    If you don't really want it yourself, don't worry about it!  If it 's yoru first I am sure he is really concerned about those things you said.  

  5. girl pop out the lotion and the toys and handle yo biz....i know men should understand what ur going thru being that ur prego but the man got needs to sooooo take care of it lol.

    i totally understand though i just found out i was pregnant 2wks ago and since then my hubby has been clubbing more and plus i have been bleeding so my dr put me on progestrone suppositories so right about now the whole s*x thang is out the window but i do what i have to do to keep him satisfied..dont want him cheating or nothing even though i no he would but hey it is what it is.....

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