
I feel spoiled right now and I'm not happy about it?

by Guest32548  |  earlier

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So, today, my sister, my mom, and I went back-to-school shopping. I bought loads of clothes and only paid a small percentage of some of the stuff. My sister didn't get anything beside a sweater and a few things for her dorm. She didn't nearly as much stuff as I did and I felt horrible like all of it was wasted on me. Basically, with all the c**p I got, my sister was only allowed to get one clothing item so I could get everything I wanted. She's go to college in a few days and she needs new things, but she hardly got anything. My other sister didn't even come at all so she got zilch. I felt spoiled because I'm always treated special and she isn't. And, also, I feel like a ***** because of how I treated ppl last year. They would treat me badly and instead of being brave and facing up to them I took the cowardly way and talk behind their backs and spread rumors. I'm a horrible person :[ Should I feel this way?




  1. No. Your sisters get compensated in some other way I am sure.

    So stop worrying about it.

    It isn't your responsibility anyway, but your parents'.

  2. If you truly feel this way....why don't you talk your mom into taking you and your sister and quite a few  pieces of clothes you don't need...but just wanted back ....yes, it takes a while doing it ....but your sister would really like it ....even if she doesn't say anything to you

  3. its GOOD your feeling this way

    your showing remorse for your actions

    you should be proud

    id be worried if you didnt care

    perhaps in future just dont buy so much?

  4. well its not ur fault, tell how u feel about it 2 ur sisters and ur parents and say u feel really bad n istead of taken u shopping next time ask them 2 take 1 of ur sisters! and don't come with them. don't feel bad just tell em u feel a little guilty.

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