
I feel suicidal and don't know what to do.?

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please help




  1. the hardest thing of all is admiting you dont feel safe with yourself and you must go to your doctor asap and tell him how you honestly feel.  i have been there and its so scary but there are tablets to help you ntil you get down to the root of whats making you feel like this.  talk to someone...its the only way to start the road to overcoming depression.

  2. ok you need help! if  you fell that is necessary to kill yourself over what ever it is you really need help not in a bad way but just making a suggestion.

  3. 1. call your doctor or psychiatrist if you have one.  Tell them what you are feeling and thinking openly so they can help.

    2. call a family member or good friend to drive you where you need to go.

    3. you will go to the dr or to the er and they will help you there.

    4.  If you have a plan for what you are going to do - STOP and call 911 now and they will take care of everything.

    5.  There is help.  

    6. This will pass (even though it may not feel like it right now.


  4. Your not alone and you have plenty of options.

    In your phonebook you can find hotlines, mental health facilites where you can talk to a psychologist or even a psychiatrist to get you on medication. If you dont know how to go about getting help or dont want to do it alone, if your close with a parent talk to them first, if not try a close trustworthy friend, teacher or school counselor.

  5. stay away frm razors, nooses, and open windows

  6. wait what happened.

    just dont kill yourself.

    that would be retarded

  7. Download the song "your love" by The Outfield. It should do the trick.

  8. Josie-anne i just want you to know that however bad you are feeling, this day shall pass. You may not be a religious person (and i say this because if you knew how much God loved you then you would not have come to do this) but look, He would not put you through something that he would not think you could overcome. This is just a stepping stone to something great He has in store for you. No matter what the problem, great or small, you can get past it Josie-anne. Its going to be Okay. just stop wallowing in this self pity and learn to love yourself because everyone makes mistakes. you are not perfect and thats okay. If you ever want to talk you can email me. By this, you've let me into your life and now you have a friend :) God works in mysterious ways sweetie

  9. get a help from a mental health center

  10. you should spend some time with the people who love you, or distance yourself from the problem for a while

  11. talk to the Samaritans if you live in england it free or another help agency in america, i do when i get down a problem shared is a problem halved.  try to think positive and every time you get a negative thought replace it with a positive one.  

    God loves you and you are precious and he chose you to be born and you are special and he sent his only son to die for you.  dint listen to negative people who get you down listen to positive truth.  it will get better pray and read your bible each day cos it will change your thinking and attitude and the way you look at yourself and life and it will get better and pass try to keep your mind busy just now to help you out of this negative thinking.  God loves you and keep saying that to yourself.  Your so special please dint do this I thank jesus for you take care and look after yourself much love denise

  12. Dial 911 or Go to your nearest Emergency centre

  13. The fact that you are seeking help is a very good thing. However, this place, while it can be helpful, isn't the BEST place for you to be looking right now.

    Seek some sort of counseling immediately. Let someone know the way you're feeling so that they can help and get you the help you need.

  14. First off, everyone's right that the proper place to get help is with a suicide hot line, ER, or mental health professional.  If you hesitate to do that first, here's my 2 cents:

    You put a key word in your question: feel.  Remember that this is a feeling and that there is a difference between feelings and actions.  You choose whether or not you act on your feelings and you have control of yourself to make that choice.  You can make a different choice.  You can talk to an understanding friend who will listen and not judge you for having these feelings.

    Just give yourself some time to sort out these feelings.  Allow yourself 24 hours or a week before you consider acting on these feelings.  Take that time to do things that will help you cope with your pain: talk to a friend, exercise (sounds weird, but exercise helps a lot with stress), connect with God and nature, do something you enjoy.

  15. why do you feel this way?  find someone to talk to, someone who you can trust. just dont do anything to hurt yourself.

  16. Call someone and talk with them. Do you have a close friend? Just pick up the phone and call someone. You will get through this.

  17. We all feel down sometimes, but we can't really offer much help if we don't know why you're depressed.

    Just, try and overcome it, you'll feel better soon...

  18. Have someone take you to the ER NOW! OR Call 911 NOW!

    Here's some Crisis Hotlines to call:

    Suicide Prevention / Depression

    USA: Hopeline (Suicide): 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

    USA: Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-Talk (1-800-8255)

    USA: Teen Hotline Covenant House NineLine: 1-800-999-9999

    USA: SOS Teen Hotline: 1-800-949-0057

    USA: Grief Recovery Helpline : 1-800-445-4808

    USA: Directory of local helplines / centers

    UK: Samaritans (Nat'l and local): 08457 90 90 90 or

    Or, find a Suicide Hotline via this website:

    Better to be Safe than Sorry.

    Seek help NOW!

  19. Ok, that's a big deal but I've been there before and sometimes it's not big enough to go 'alert the media' over.

    If you need some ASAP person to person help over the phone,

    1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK

    If you need some help and don't want to talk to anyone,

    Sometimes the feeling passes. Sometimes when you feel bad and you have low blood sugar it makes you feel even worse. Try having a cookie, even if you're overweight have something to eat, carrots or fruit, anything. When your blood sugar is back up, try to talk to someone. If your parents(no matter how old you are) can help, talk to them. If they wont listen, talk to a friend. If you don't have a friend you can trust, reach out to a center online or over the phone.

    If the feeling doesn't pass and you're afraid you might actually hurt yourself, call 911. It wont be fun, you'll go to a hospital, but they will be nice to you and they will listen to you. Sometimes they'll give you medication unless it's against your religion to take medications or get a blood transfusion. They can't force it on you if it's against you religion.

    Speaking of religion, go to a church. Just walk to one, find a priest or a preacher and tell them what's wrong. Be honest and don't worry about how you feel about God, believe it or not people want to help you.

    Every morning I wake up and try to think of something I'm looking forward to, even if it's just a cup of coffee and a donut (hey it makes me happy) and then I make myself get into the shower whether I want to or not. I take a walk, I call my Mom, I go to the mall or the sometimes the animal shelter and ask if they need help for the day. The world is full of reasons to live, bad feelings will always pass(sometimes it takes a year or it takes a big change in your life but it WILL pass) and you will be glad you made it through the sadness to the other side.

  20. Okay.

    First of all I want you to know there are people out there who care about you.

    Get someone to talk to.

    These feelings don't go away on their own.

    There will always be someone to talk to.

    Nobody should feel this way.

    Really if something is bothering you then you must get it off your chest.

    I know sometimes the world might seem cruel and you would rather be dead then experience all the pain.

    Truly there are good things happening. You must keep living.

    Hope this helps.

    If you ever need to talk I am here.

    Good Luck.

  21. get help talk to ppl see a theropist it will help think about why are you feeling this way what can i do to help my self but deffantly dont commit suicide find hepl!

  22. email me :) we can help eachother  

  23. honey, just know that you will get through this! we all feel a little depressed sometimes..but you WILL get through it! i have faith that you will! just ask God to take those feelings away and tell Satan to go back to h**l where he came from! i'll pray for you too! God loves you and you are very have a are NOT worthless! and even if you feel that you have nobody..and that no one really cares..just remember that God is right matter what!

  24. Call the suicide hotline where you live. h**l, you can call me if you email me first so i can give you my number.

  25. Yes, get help from a mental health professional.  This is nothing to mess around with.

  26. get help now call ems  or go to a hospital get treatment  whatever you do.  dont do it   find someone to talk to now     get help

  27. We can't always be happy, sometimes we feel miserable but that doesn't mean that we should become suicidal. You only get ONE life and you need to make the most of it. You are the only one who has the power to change something, no matter how hard it is - nothing worth having or getting is ever easy. Be strong and you will come out the other side a better person.

  28. Call a suicide hotline.

    Go to this site and watch the movie.

    Your life is in your control. You can chose to be happy or not. Don't kill yourself. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  

  29. call 911  

  30. I think we all feel like that sometimes. But for now you need to come down. Killing yourself is never a option. Try to forget the things that are making you feel like this.

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