
I feel me :[?

by  |  earlier

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when i was about 8 i wanted to be an actress oh so badly. I begged and begged and begged my parents to do something. well one day when i was about 11 we were in the car and on the radio we heard about an audition. it was john robert powers. they said they would video tape you doing a small commercial and then send it out to agents. i was so excited! well i went there and did the audition. but in a way they kinda scammed us. it turned out when ended up paying money for acting classes? the lady made us pay and decide so fast and i was so confused! my parents have spent $10,000 on these acting classes and i feel terrible. i feel its my fault they spent all this money on me...well it is my fault. but i hate these acting classes! i try my best but im so shy and im just not good at acting! i have no fun when im there...and i honestly feel im not getting anywhere with this...i feel so horrible...if i had $10,000 i would give it to them... so im saving up... does anybody know of anyway i can earn money?? just random things i can do?? its gonna take awhile to get THAT much money but in the end i wont feel so guilty... help?




  1. talk to your parents. you can get a job

  2. you don't like acting, or the classes? see... this is a bit of advice that my aunt gave me: fake it till you make it. see, if you're around people that don't know you, you can be anyone you want. you can fake not being shy. you don't have to be who you really are, you can be someone completely different. It worked for my and my aunt...

    ok, about the money: you could be a baby sitter... or at least, a kid-sitter. that pays well, especially if the kid likes you. you could also work it off... like do chores around the house (if you have an allowance you can do as many chores as would get you $10,000).... also, don't ask your parents to buy anything for you for a while. you could also start walking dogs, or sell some of your stuff that you don't want/need

  3. you should take to your parents and let them know how you feel. You could more yards they pay pretty good or even take a new paper route.

  4. Well, if u wanna be an actor u have to pass acting classes to hvae some recomendations for future roles. At least keep it up till the end. And- why would they spend 10000 dollars on acting classes?!?!?! Or they really really love you, or they think its 10 $ or they are very rich.

  5. aaaaw, i am so sorry you got scammed with robert powers. i too had the opportunity to do the whole sit down and watch thevideo, do a little taped commercial, then the little interview w/ the whole catch thing to it. luckily i wasn't convinced and turned the other cheek, but you seem to have been fooled. well, you can start by making the experience worth it for your parents. make them feel as though they are not wasting their money. on the other hand, you can work your part time/ full time jobs and give back. but honestly, i think the biggest gift to your parents would be showing that you appreciate them for trying.  

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