
I feel terrible how could i do that to him.

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my little brother is 9 years old and he has an issue where he wets his bed almost everynight and he cant control it unless he goes on exspensive meds and they will stop working when he stops taking them and he was being difficult so i was pissed off and he was on his bed. so i walk in and sit down and he kicks me so i say " hey dylan how old are you?? what does your bed smell like? it reminds me of a toddler's bed." and i called him a pull up baby and pee pants. i feel terrible he was hysterical i mean he cant control it i feel like a heartless *****. what can i do to appologize he wouldnt accept it the first time and/or make it up to him im 14 i should know better than this.




  1. I say get him something that he LOVES. Kids are easy to please.

  2. Sit him down and be honest with him, tell him how you really feel (like you told us in the question).  A genuine apology is what is needed here.

    Think of this as a learning experience and a way to build a more open relationship with your brother.  Don't beat yourself up too much, we all make mistakes.

  3. get him a gift

  4. Don't be so hard on yourself. Just apologize to him and tell him you said those things because he kicked you. try to help him though, like does he drink to much at night? Maybe you can wake him up a few times a night and bring him to the bathroom. I know my youngest son had the same problem. It will eventually go away. Just tell him you love him.

  5. Chances are you picked up the tendency to tease a sibling about a very vulnerable subject from our negatively slanted society... or just another kid.

    The fact that you are feeling so bad only serves to allow you to do differently in the future.  Guilt is created as a catalyst for change.

    Apologize, tell your brother how you feel and that you love him just the way he is, and be true to your word.

    What matters now is how you conduct yourself from this point forward.  You cannot erase the past, but you can create any future you desire.  

  6. buy him candy, nine year olds love can be bought by boxes of tooth rotting sugary c**p.

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