
I feel that i'm gonna s***w up my physics exam, advice please??

by  |  earlier

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Used to be top in physics last year.

But this year, have been one of the last;

I havent started revising, and physics exam is gonna be tough(really tough, the tcher wont lie).

What do you think i should do now??

I'm like losing hope in physics.




  1. 1)Since you haven't started revising, start it now!

    2)If the questions from past year exams are available, practice them to  understand the concept. It is not good to know the formulas without understanding when to use them.

    3) Practice questions from the back of the chapters, especially the hard ones. Sure it gives you confidence if you can solve the easy questions, but if the exam is gonna be really tough you can't expect to see them, can you?

    4) Go to office hours or make appointment with your teach. If you can't solve the hard questions, go to your teach & ask for guidance. However, don't just go without knowing what you are asking. At least try to impress your teach that you have already tried solving the hard questions yourself.

    5) Pray for good luck.

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