
I feel that i am not able for a job?

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I feel that i am not able for a job?




  1. nice. get a rich sick father in law. why r u not ashamed.

  2. You should believe that everything lies in one's own mind and hand. if you wish to find a job and work for it you will find yourself somewhere and it is always better to be somewhere than no where!

  3. you  are  negative  from  the  beginning..  which  is  sad !!

  4. why so? may be you experienced something bad in ur job you did not describe ur full problem,or bad experience.... u need to think whats the actual reason for your problem....coz only u can solve it better.

  5. don't under estimate your self, believe in your self and think positive.

    every person in the world is able to do their job but the thing is you should search good job for you which is suitable for you and you will get best result.

  6. Fine, then you may go for a business. This way you can create jobs for others and still earn.

  7. R u handicapped or mentally challenged ? if yes, u can be rehabilitated. If u are normal, then u will have to find out a job that suits u. U can get a job from sweeper to sweepervisor.

  8. If you think, you are, you are. If you think, you are not, you are not.

    It is as simple as that.

  9. try to build up your network as much as you can and talk to more and more people that u r looking for work .. i m sure you will get some good contact and opportunities and then you can work.

  10. Do you live with your parents or are you dependent on someone?

    Since you are finding no luck in jobs, try to do some course or take up any college program for a year or so.

    Try to stay away from parents or the people you are dependent on.

    Be dependent but from distant. You will realize your responsibilities and build confidence.

    From my experience, its the confidence that gets you through job interviews.

    You feel the urgency and situations make a human do anything.

    Hope this helps...

  11. OK, find out in yourself what you can do...........You will get your answer......All you need to break your head till you get the way.........

  12. Depends. Thr. might b sumthing u could do. every1 is good at sumthing or the other. U might b made for sumthing too.

    The best thing u can do is do sumthing u verry badly wanna do.

  13. Enroll for a sales training course.  They will train you for communication skills, persuasive skills, and help you groom your personality.  And salesmen are always in great demand.

  14. there are many places to dine out that you could work

  15. try to build up as much as u can build ur communication skills and try hard &u build self confidence u will soon get a good job don't fear and be afraid of any body best of luck

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