
I feel the need to go to church today, but my mom wont take me?

by  |  earlier

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I am seventeen, however, I don't have my license. I'm going through a very hard time right now, and I need church or something. I'm not even religious, but I'm depressed and I need to get out of my house. I need to be inspired. She promised me yesterday at like 6pm that we'd go, but then proceeded to stay up all night and now refuses to go. I have no other way to get there, the rest of my family is mad at me[thats half the reason I am depressed].

What can I do?

I need to get out of here?

I need to go, but she wont take me.




  1. I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.   Being 17 is not easy and it sounds like a great church (and perhaps some family counseling) could really help.   You could call the church you want to go to and ask if there is someone there who could pick you up.  If they say no, it is probably not the kind of church you want to go to anyway!  Please keep trying until you find somewhere that is welcoming and supportive.  And pray - it is basically just like talking to your best friend.  Also, you mention that you are depressed; if you have any thoughts of hurting yourself PLEASE call a psychiatrist.   There are tons of medications that can help you if you have depression, which is a REAL illness.  If you had diabetes you would take insulin, right?  

    Good Luck to you and your family.  I will pray for you!

  2. Call the church and arrange for someone to pick you up.  I am absolutely certain they will work with you.

    If you live in town, can you take the bus or a cab?  

    If nothing else, perhaps you can walk-I have always found a good stroll to be relaxing and it gives me an opportunity to think.

    I hope this helps.

  3. Can't you ask one of your friends if their parents can take you..?

  4. uh, hi?

    i know you posted that you had given up, but don't! really! okay, so your mom refuses to take you. do you have a learner's permit? you could get a neighbor to go with you if you wanted to drive. or you could just get a neighbor to drive you.

    if you feel like you need to go to church, then try as hard as you can to get there!

  5. just go next sunday. And you don't actually need to go to church to pray you can just simply do it at home.

  6. I am sure that there is a church close to you and that you could ask someone to take you there I really think that even if you have never talked to them they will take you. If that doesn't work then I suggest that you ride your bike to church. Bike rides are easy to do and fun. Also If non of these work there is usually a church on T.V., or you can look for prayers or something online.

  7. How awesome it is that you feel like you can turn to God for help. It's awful that your mom won't take you, I'm sorry! You could just talk to God on your own. Go for a walk, find a pretty, quiet place that makes you feel good, or safe, and just start spilling your guts. It always makes me feel better. I just saw the other day something about writing prayer notes to God, which I found to be an cool idea.

    You could call the church you had in mind, and explain the situation. Many times, a church will have a van or bus they use to pick up members that can't get there on their own. Even if they don't, they may be able to send another church member who lives nearby to pick you up. I'm sure they'd love to see a teenage taking the initiative to become more spiritual.

  8. "poor" baby...

    I know exactly how you must feel.... You sound sooooo desolate, honey...I wish I was there with you, so I could help you....-I do know, how diffucult it is when NOONE understands you -or- cares enough to supply you with your needs, etc.- I had the exact same problem when I was "your age"... My intuition is such as...-it's NOT really the fact, that you don't heve..."a way to church".., because, you can just as well pray ...humbly in your room & do NOT necessarily have to go to church in order to speak to "the higher force"... I believe, your "problem" is simply that you do not ..."feel loved, cared about, etc." Right?  RIGHT !!!

    How can I actively help you...from "long-distance"??? Well...what helped me was....I had a therapist / psychologist wth whom I had regular "sessions"/talks...wheeby we worked on my "deficits", etc. Also...I received "Anti-depressive-medication", which helped a great deal !!! Just make an appointment at your physician & get a recommendation for a : good psychologist / therapist, because depression is NOT an "issue" to "play with" !! It's a serious matter, you should get treatment for, honey !

    You also need "immediate" attention from "someone"...Do you have a friend -or- maybe a neighbor you can confine in ? Maybe ..."a cousin" -or- is your grandma still living??? Grandmothers always have "an opened ear" for you....Just don't "sit around" & have gloomy, lurid thoughts, honey, because that's detramental & is devastating to your soul, baby ! You're soooo young & have soooo much MORE life ahead of you...-There will be soooo many more things for you to enjoy in the future !!- I can make you the offer : You can contact me -anytime- day or night at:  In case you feel bad, just contact me & I'll try to help you..."long-distance" - OK ? OK !!

    I sure hope, you'll feel better SOON...Wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with lots of LOVE & CARE for you...from... Annette***

  9. God is everywhere - you can go for a walk in the park and see God in everything; there's life in everything.  Don't get too upset just because people let you down - they always will, even the most perfect of them - and you will let people down too.  Just forgive every day - because you wouldn't want people holding grudges against you (like your family are doing) and try to be the best person you can be yourself.  But you can access God anytime and anywhere - in your room, on your pages, in the street.  Ask for it; to feel his closeness, when you pray.  Who knows, the church you really wanted to go to might not have been what you needed today and only God knew it - there's always an alternative view point and we don't always see it.  Don't give up because really, you're life is just starting and you have one amazing adventure ahead before you should quit on life and throw in a towel or cash in your chips.  Best wishes.

  10. Don't go to church- silly goose.

    Those places suck.

  11. Well, they usually have church services on tv, or youtube or something. But I'm really sorry about that.

  12. if u cant go to church use and alternitive.... pray to god.... and go church the next time its on....

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