
I feel the need to urinate all the time every minute of the day for 6 days now.?

by  |  earlier

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I was given antibiotics by my doctor 3 days ago and told to do urine test of which I did.Well this morning I phoned my doctor who prescribed a different antibiotic to be taken 4 times a day,I still feel the same,I know it is 14hrs this lot of antibiotics started but am at my wits end and need this to stop.My doctor told me I should ring him again if these don't work soon.When should I ring him do you think?.The doctor has not received anything re the results of the urine test yet.I have type 2 diabetes so I suppose this do not help,when I think of this I worry about my kidneys.Has anyone any advice.Thanks for your time.




  1. you might have a prostate infection you need to m********e a lot more it helps prevent prostate problems

  2. You can speed up the recovery time of a water infection by drinking lots and lots of pure cranberry juice.  It does work but you have to drink plenty of it.

    The 25% stuff is fine, what I meant by pure was not a mix like orange and cranberry, just cranberry on its own.  And you need to drink LOADS of it.  2 litres a day to make a difference but it does work

  3. You do not have a prostate (note spelling) problem it is an infection of your bladder and as advised above drink plenty to flush it out - and keep going with the antibiotics.

  4. you got cystitis or a water infection drink plenty of water it meby flush what ever you have

  5. proooosssttaate examminnaaattiiooonn >_>;   D:

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