
I feel there is a lot of anti British feeling amongst Americans on here?

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I feel that i should point out that although we welcome your UK visits we already have a royal family so you have to muck in with the rest of us.

What do you think can you get with the program?




  1. Americans are afraid of foreigners in general, so don't take it personally.  People who look differently, speak differently, or don't do things they way they do in the US are to be scorned and shunned.  If you can, it's best to ignore us.

  2. UK has the Royal family.  U.S. has dentists.  

    that has nothing to do with anything, it just stuck me as funny.

  3. Not what I'm hearing - we're in this together, in spite of the fact that we do not always agree.  It's called democracy.  People are allowed to voice their opinions and take issue with anything they like for or against or they can sit on the sidelines and go fishing and pay no attention if they wish.

    If people who have never met me express an opinion in that they don't like me, then that's their loss.

    Besides, I take the view of Oscar Wilde, who once said, "There is only one thing worse than people speaking about you behind your back and that is people not speaking about you behind your back."

    I worked for abc News at their London bureau for 25 years and got to know Americans quite well.  On the whole they are confident folk who seem to be better planned than us Brits.  By that I mean, they seem to work things out in a more methodical and logical way.

    In spite of our differences, we're stuck with each other.  You know how it is, "blood is thicker than water".  There's no turning back now, we've got to go on to victory together.

  4. Hate to tell you but that won't make any sense even to Americans that have lived in the UK for years.  Ref the program, which one for a kick off?

  5. I think there is a lot of Anti-American on here,

  6. I am british,And lived in the uk from birth to the age of six.I spent most of my adolecents In america and have seen both sides.If no one had a side to pick on we wouldnt have a discussion about it.The story goes both ways .As I see it no place is is better in a sense,becouse they both have there faults.There is no way anyone should "get with the program".We shuld learn to appreciate every culture and every being,no a specific location.

  7. Perhaps we need to communicate more with our American cousins? My experience when I have visited the US is that they are friendly, respectful and welcoming, as well as being interested in our culture.

  8. This is America.  We're afraid of everything.  That's why we still have guns.

  9. yes  could  be  right   ..and  we  do  have  royals  ..great  isn't  it    mm  mm      as  if   but  it  works  both  ways

  10. To deride or insult another race from the safety of a discussion , when the protagonists are in different countries and are not face to face is the lowest form of cowardice,  that goes for all not just my own race . I'm an not anti anyone as i  have friends from all over the world i find little difference in races . when we hurt we cry , when we are insulted our hackles rise , when we lose someone close our heart breaks ,

    when we do something stupid most of us are sorry . why because we are all human . and to spout prejudices that are usually given us by our parents or the media is stupid in the first degree

  11. Funny thing, Americans never really disliked you guys over in the UK, until they came on Yahoo Answers and saw all the trash you talk. A lot of Americans would consider the average Brit as hypocritical......

    See, we know we can be arrogant, loud, brash, and "in your face" at times. We admit it.

    British people are the same, just in a different manner, only they will deny it till death. I say this because I've been to your side of the pond and met plenty of British people.

    Let's say this; there are people in the U.S. that I am ashamed that come from the same place I do. Couldn't you say the same about Brit's?

    Those are the people that tend to get noticed more. Especially abroad.

    The only reason you'll notice any anti-British remarks on here (usually) is in response to anti-Americanism..... and we all know there's PLENTY of that to go around. Other than that, the average American really has no problem with the British, other than the fact of being hypocritical.

    We know a lot of you don't like us, but oh well, I guess we can't please everyone.

  12. This is a two way street, no doubt about it.

    AZ - you should try reading some of the posts from Ray N, Sophie and Gentle Giant to name but three.

  13. British are awsome, if anything it's a response to an even bigger anti-american feeling around the world, but that will change as soon as our idiot leaves office...

  14. Could the same be said the other way round?

    Are us British always so polite?

  15. There is this to consider which is while people to an extent malign The Royal family there are Corporations which hold much more power and might go the way The Tszar of Russia or The French Aristocracy did.  This is sad as both systems trap people in them. Nothing against the people but the system. The Program yes keep money in wallets and create own currency will change such. Focus possible Reign of Terror on cars in chop shops. No redo of The Terror following The French Reveloution.

  16. I have noticed that as well!I have also noticed that they keep 'harping' about The Revolutionary Wars!But get very upset when you mention how the British 'duffed' them up on the White House Lawn in 1812!Why?Is it their 'built in' safety mechanism now they realise that they will be No4 in the economic pecking order behind China,India and the EU in 20 years time!Is it time to 'Catch a falling star!??

  17. I think that is ironic because these two nations are both equally disgraceful.

  18. Family always scrap and snipe, but at the end of the day, they are still family. Cheer up guys its friday

  19. Yes there is, the special relationship, that some would have us believe is not a reality, ( Americas relationship with Germany, is far closer !, a fact ,that is less than a good idea, in most of Europes opinion,), but the reason that the relationship is soured, is the simple fact that America is too often unfair to it's foremost ally, and crows just a little too much about it's much vaunted superiority, on just about any subject under the Sun, this results in a backlash against them and is a vicious circle, feeding on itself,

    Lets look at the unfairness, to start with,

    1 Americans, until recently, were allowed to come here, and work, without hindrance or permits, the same was not allowed in return, ( even though most of us would like to work in their country for a while, not stay permanently )

    2 You are allowed, by act of Parliament to demand, extradition of our subjects, ( we are not citizens , here, but subjects of the Crown) but have yet to ratify the same law in return, congress has sat on this legislation for more than two years, you , as a consequence have extended your laws to our sovereign nation, a form of "cultural colonialism"....even to the extent of so called crimes that we do not even recognise as crimes, ( see the recent Banking cases, ), forcing the accused to submit to "plea bargaining" or risk long jail sentences, if thay can not defend themselves, against an "assumed guilty, if we say so" situation, again when the British populations public prosecutors do not offer any evidence to proceed on the basis of..this is a form of "extra territoriality", you are assuming the right that properly belongs to the people of another nation to decide whether a crime has been committed...within their own country...

    3 You also constantly go on about having defeated the British, in the war of independence, "you" did not "exist" as a nation, until after this war, so how does this work, ?

    the people whom fought this war were NOT Americans, but by the British settlers, , and settlers, from all nations, the British army was filled with the people who could not get work in this island nation, mostly young inexperienced, (under sixteen in many cases, ), kids, a long way from their homes and family, and it was a lie that you were being taxed by us without representation, as well, there were American representatives in Parliament, and the tax was to pay for the upkeep of this army, to defend your settlements, at a time when you were facing annihilation by the Amerind people, of your nation, ( it was also one that was not onerous , and was suggested, and agreed, by the representatives of your "nation to be", we were also fighting the war against an extreme arrogant Corsican, in Europe, just when a reporter,( a failed reporter, lied to people about this situation, what is new about this in America I wonder ?, ) the majority were against the independence movement, in the beginning, as well, so how does that square with the oft quoted "struggle for freedom" you claim to have been involved in ?

    4 You do not understand the meaning of irony, at all, this is evident from much of what is represented to be so in the States, truly, you do not....the "British" actually "won" this war, not the Americans, that is truly ironic......

    5 The final ignominy that you face is the fact, that as a nation you feel the need to claim all, for yourselves, whether as a nation in science, ( an American, said once, that there was nothing that any one could say about science, that the Americans did not already know about, we had no secrets that were not known about, by them (the US.)) that ranks with your patemt office, back in  the 1800 saying that just about everything had been discovered, and there was no more need for a patent office, ( "the head of the patent office"), or when an American, visiting Cambridge said, on seeing the equipment in the corridors, that had been used to secure a British Nobel prize, that it was nice to keep this, so the students were aware of what the old timers used to work with, ( it later went on to be used to secure two more Nobel prizes, as it was still in daily use !!!) or in any other areas....

    6 And most important, you do not seem to be able to understand, that criticism of what you do, is not criticism of what you are !!!

    Often, you seem to be intent, on what you want to do TO the world, and not what you can do FOR the world, something that distinguishes "you" from all the "Empires" that proceed you, patronising they may be, but all previous Empires seemed to believe that they were doing something that benefitted the world, and were a change for the do not care, at all about that in the least, ( see G.W.Bush, "we do not do nation building" speech), therefore you will be criticised, ( rightly so, in my opinion, ), but you also have a vile hollywood attitude to the British in the movies, where the villians are always seemingly always played, by the British, or as British, i.e. Die Hard, 1,2 and 3... the Silence of the Lambs, etc...

    If you want peace in your lives, then do not criticise others, wrongly, or represent your history as other than the invasion of a continent that was stolen from the native populations, and it will not be returned....far from the honourable history, there is much here, that America should tread softly about, when talking TO the world, and not AT the world.!!!

    Stop your bias, and tell the truth, and you will have respect, and peace, until you do, do not expect the world to love you, or for your way of life to survive, after you have passed, there are few who will call for archeologists, social, cultural, or otherwise, to recall for the world, the American way of life, in the future that surely awaits all Empires....

    So YES there is an anti British bias, on this website, but something else is lacking here, the "stating" of the country of origin of messages, that would help if we knew , at least, the person who we were talking to was an American or of British,  or French, etc, should be diasplayed by the site itself, and we may find that the bias is not merely, or even entirely, that of the Americans,being anti British,  and that can only help to ameliorate the situation, surely ?

  20. Get with the program?  I believe this goes both ways.  We are both guilty of not understanding each others cultures.  And this was made painfully aware to me when I spent 12 days on a boat with 800 British and 1000 Americans.  I would be walking around and it was nonstop American bashing by the British.  I couldn't seem to find any Americans even though we out numbered them by 200 people.  Interesting.  When I'm abroad personally I like to blend in.  When Rome.. or when in England and all that nonsense.  I personally read up on a culture before I venture into it.  Though I did meet a nice bloke from Yorkshire.  Nicest Brit I've ever met, and he was highly interested in me and my culture as I was in his.  There in lies the solution.  Try to learn from one another.

  21. Other way around.

    I've never met a single American that has had anything against the British.  Many of us are from British stock.  Our states on the East coast are named after many of your areas, and your royalty.

    On the other hand, I've seen a good amount of American bashing from the Brits towards us.  We're fat, we're loud, we're obnoxious, we don't have a sense of humor, we know nothing outside of our country, we don't get irony, we dress badly, we don't know geography, we brag too much about our own country, etc, etc, etc.....

    I don't know which yahoo answers you're looking on, but since being here, I would say that just from here, there seems no place less welcoming to Americans than Great Britain.  I guess that's a lot of places, but seriously.  There's a difference between taking the p**s out of us Yanks, and just being rude.  We like you, but I don't know if you like us.  We visit, but I see in British psyche nothing stronger than making fun of Americans.  And yet you claim that you like us.  Great friends.  

    There's a lot of info on the web regarding anti-american sentiment in Britain.  Almost nothing about anti-british sentiment in the U.S.  Perhaps because we're ignorant of other cultures, we just don't know yet.

    I still think we're allies.

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