
I feel to shy to talk to gurls, some 1 help plz?

by  |  earlier

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hi, am 17 male , tall ( 5.11) a little fat, ( 170 pounds) got a beer belly, i get to shy to talk to girls, i mean when am talkin to them i dont no what to say,

some1 plz help




  1. Use the belly to your advantage. Here's an old trick I learned in the Marines - paint a smiley face with lipstick on your tummy using your belly button as the nose. Then wear a 4-sizes too small t-shirt to display your handy work. Everyone kicks a goal.

  2. hey hun just be urself take a deep breath and say hi ....

    how are u ?

  3. Show great body language: chest out, head held high, don't slouch... if you wanna see it in action then look at Tyler Durden in Fight Club or James Bond, both men are unbelievably comfortable and confident in their own skin.

    Also approach with a smile as no one will just ignore a friendly person who looks like fun.

    Approach confidently and don't stutter. The first word that should come out of your mouth is "Hi" in a relaxed confident tone of voice.

    If she is a random girl make sure before you approach that you can comment on something about her, perhaps something she is wearing and it CANNOT be about her beauty... it comes across sleazy and creepy and she's heard it all before.

    Always keep the conversation playful and fun, girls do not want a boring guy, think of the guys who get the most girls who you know and you will see that they don't take themselves and what they say too seriously... they like too tease the girl but in a playful way.

    An example too use is push-pull: "you have the best smile I've seen tonight PAUSE... actually you know what, I've seen 3 other girls with a great smile tonight... but still 4th place isn't bad"... she should smile when you say this and don't worry she will not get offended as it is playful banter. Do you know what I'm getting at... you pull the girl in with a compliment and then you push her away... this creates sexual tension and is great for attraction.

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself on the approach, you should be taking it one step at a time... get her talking, get her laughing, get the number.

    To get the number say, "You know what, I've gotta go and meet my friends but you seem like a cool person so put your number in my phone (hand her the phone at this point) and maybe we'll hang out.

    This is good because you are saying you will "hang out" so there is no pressure on her part of a date... if you give her the phone and tell her to put her number in then she will have less chance of rejecting you. DDON'T ask for her number by saying, "err, um... can I have your number please?" It seriously just looks weak and not confident, it also gives her a great option of saying no by posing it as a question.

    I can talk about this stuff all day but that should be enough to get you started.

    No one can really help you on what to say... but that doesn't matter it is the WAY you say things... think of players you have overheard what they talk about doesn'tnecessarilyy sound interesting but it's the way they say it and how confident they are in what they say that is attractive.

    Don't be inside your head thinking of what to say as this does not help, for example: think to yourself now what is my next thought gonna be? I bet you it took a while to come up with something... DO NOT DO THIS when talking with a girl.

    Pay attention to what she says, by being a good listener you can be a good conversationalist... say she was talking about her holiday last summer, because you were too busy thinking about what to say next you missed all the cues she gave you to expand on the conversation.

  4. Well, learn how to type first, then you need to say:

    "Hello, my name is so and so, and I think that you are stunning, or whatever you think of them..."

    Blah blah.

    How about finishing school and becoming rich?

    Then they will talk to you.

  5. Learn to spell.  Learn to construct a sentence properly.  Then go talk to girls.

  6. Depending where you start talking to them talk to them about things that relate to the place.

    Example... Library talk to a girl about what subject shes doing and ask her for help in your subjects(even if u dont need any)

    Party.... talk about who you know at the party e.g have you met bob? he is the best drinker he do 231 shots

    Girls love to talk to a guy with a good personality so say things that make her feel appreciated.



  7. email me at and we'll discuss it.

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