
I feel ugly! -_- hair problem please help?

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People keep pointing out hair on my body.

Like on my face, they say that they can see all the hair on my face with my makeup on.

That i have a snail trail

And lots of hair on my arms

I hate it!

I hate people telling me!

Its not even dark hair, i hadnt even noticed until people pointed it out and now i feel so self concious i dnt know what to do. If people point it out to me does that mean everyone can see it?

I dnt even want to sit in the sun anymore, just in case it shows up

What sud i do?

Its too light to bleach?







  1. hey.  its okay.  i have really hairy arms too.  most girls go through a phase when they get a little more hair on their stomachs and backs and faces.  it almost definately is a phase if you never really noticed it before.  i have also noticed that girls with more body hair have the prettiest hair on their heads.  don't worry everyone has flaws.  just look for the beauty in yourself and forget what people say.

  2. do waxing or laser otherwise just ignore those people not everyones perfect to be honest

  3. I don't want to embarrass you, but you almost certainly have a bacterial vaginosis.

    I've now devoted my life to helping people, as so many medics just don't understand womens problems - and I give away my book to women who are concerned.

    To discover more about the symptoms, causes and dangers, you can download my free 20 page book here: http://bacterial-vaginosis-free-book.blo...

    With the help of my husband, an herbal researcher, I pulled together different pieces and parts of the puzzle until I had a clear picture of how to fully help myself stay healthier and stronger by application of the best healing herbs that target 3 problems areas of BV.

    You need this 3 STEP attack plan that no one else in the world utilizes that combats 3 different problem areas associated with bacterial vaginosis.

    It is critical that you use ALL 3 STEPS to help eliminate BV for good.

    I have been so incredibly healthy the past few years that I haven't even had a common cold in over 2 years, and I work in a middle school where colds are passed around like candy.

    Here's what people have said about my free book:

    I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications.

    After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV.

    I am very thankful I came across your site. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function.




    I am writing you this email in repsonse to reading your book on bacterial vaginosis and I must say, " I hail to you!" I have recently been experience recurring BV for almost 6 months. It has been frustrating going back to my OB and taking prescribed medications.

    After following your instructions, my BV was gone in a little under two weeks. It is amazing what herbal medications can do to your body. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics, because of all the toxins and chemicals, but using what you suggested is all natural and works with your body and your body's natural defenses to eliminate BV.

    I am very thankful I came across your site. I am happy that you have dedicated so much time into researching what herbs and natural substances can do to help improve body function.




    Thank you!! I found it most helpful and useful. I realize there were some things that I had been doing that either triggered it, or, kept it hanging on! Much appreciation.



    Mrs Massey


  4. By "people" I'm guessing this is like one person saying this.

    Because nobody cares, OK?

    OK, I'm going to level with you and be completely frank and honest, so please don't be offended. You need to hear this stuff though...

    I'm an older guy, been with LOTS of girls/women in my life, and this is completely irrelevant, and in fact, normal.

    I've been with girls who had very little hair, and girls who were pretty hairy (not like a guy or anything...), and everything in between.

    And you know what? I don't care.

    In fact, if you must know, the girls who were the ones with the most hair, were the BEST LOVERS of all of them!

    I'm serious.

    Who knows why, maybe you have a bit more testosterone than the average girl, which would make you hornier than the average, which is GOOD for us guys! And good for you too, because that increases the odds that you are orgasmic, which is GOOD!

    And that little trail going from your navel down to your wonderful, beautiful place, is cute!!!! It's not bad at all! It's really s**y!

    So whoever this moron is that is bringing this up, is either just a jerk, or is jealous of you and is trying to make you feel bad about yourself, so he/she can feel better about herself.

    Seriously, don't worry about it.

    There are guys out here like me, who KNOW... and if one of us were to look at you, and notice this, we would probably be MORE LIKELY to want to be with you, because we know you're likely to be a better lover.

    So remember that, OK sweetie!!!

    It's not a problem, so stop hanging around with people who insult you.

    They are NOT your friends!

  5. i hear you loud and clear. suffer the same thing. get yourself one of these beauties. i got mine of that site. theyre very easy to use but a hurt a bit first few times but you get used to it after a while. the results last for weeks until the hair starts coming back. as for your snail trail (treasure trail sounds nicer lol) try using the thing of the link i gave you in the bath on your tummy. it doesnt hurt so much then and it gets most of the hairs. If you have an epilator use that one your tummy unless you dont have one. they are pretty good one your legs as well so i would recommend one . hope this helps xx :)

  6. well im guessing your 17 or below in age (maybe not ture idk) and if you are then you have a bunch of adolecent kids who feel akward and selfocncous about themselves. your probabaly dont, they just want to feel as bad as they do im sure if you wanted you could easly point out something back(dont do it though because then they will just keep doing it to you to)hope i helped!

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