
I feel ugly and I dont think a boy will ever like me?

by  |  earlier

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So, my question was really a statement... but I just want advice on how I can deal with this realization.

So, I dont think Im THAT ugly. I have self esteem issues.... but its not over the top. Just regular teenage-I-hate-myself-ism. Sometimes I think I'm a little cute even...

But the thing is, there are so many beautiful, hot, and gorgeous girls. And there are so many shallow guys. And the ones that aren't shallow seem to be either hideous (now Im being shallow) or just into things that I'm not at all (like anime and pokemon or whatever) and with all of the gorgeous perfect girls... I find it unlikely anyone will ever even express an interest in me.

And they haven't.

I feel so bad about myself, like I'll grow up and live alone (I hate being alone) and never even kiss anyone... if you've never felt like that, it sucks.

You probably wouldnt even know how, but can you give me some ideas on how to deal with this?




  1. I know you're feeling bad right now, but the feeling won't last forever. Don't get me wrong - it'll keep coming back throughout your life but it does get somewhat easier to deal with. I too have suffered body-issues and problems with my self esteem and there's really nothing I could do about it. At some point you're just going to have to accept that you, like me, are not the most beautiful woman to grace the earth. This doesn't mean, however, that we aren't still pretty, worthy of love and capable of FINDING love at any stage in our lives. Think about all the SERIOUSLY ugly people (now I'm being shallow) that find love? It's cliche I know, but 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. While to yourself you might not be the hottest thing ever but I'm sure there's at least a handful of men out there who think you are.

    Whatever you do, just don't give up completely. You might get desperate and unfathomably upset sometimes but you have to remember that if you keep trying, you WILL get rewarded eventually.

  2. Alright the very first thing you need to do is [1] Stop thinking about those "gorgeous girls", like you call them, and deal with what you have. Everyone goes through something like that in there life. Believe me I was there not that long ago. [2] If someone doesn't like you for who you are too bad. Move on. As time passes the right guy will come along and love you forever. Until then worry about IMPORTANT things. Having people that like you and having a boyfriend doesn't make the world go round. [3] If you think you'll grow up alone... I seriously doubt that. You have your whole life to live and well to be honest you're going to have to through many heartbreaks sometimes to find the Mr. Right.

  3. OMG im going through the exact same thing

    i know this is shallow and i should be saying looks dont matter

    but the sad truth is they kinda do

    sooo get a makeover

    ask some friends or see a specialist

    or look up stuff online for ur hair type and eye color

    i would recomend eye liner only on the top of ur eye,mascara,eye shadow,and maybe some under eye cover up if ya need it

    and for hair go to a salon and ask what products are best

    and from seeing ur icon ur pretty

    and INSAINLY UGLY GIRLS get bfz so be patient

    and even if u r reeeealy self consious

    FAKE CONFIDENCE(the way you look at urself changes how other people look at you)and thts not bull **** ive seen it before

    there is this INSAINLY popular girl at my school and everyone loves her and she gets all the guys and she is UGGGGGGLLLLLYYY!!!!

    so hang in there its gonna be ok

  4. yeah this is simple really. All you have to do is keep smiling at guys your interested in. If they are not shy, quite a few of them are going to  come up to talk to you. I'm a sucker for a nice smile. Usually that is what attracts me like a magnet to get to talk to a girl or get her to give me her number. With me, usually if the girl doesnt smile, even if shes freakin gorgeous, i just either get two solutions from that : she isnt interested in me, or she's shy. But naw, i understand when guys think the way you do because they gotta go out and ask lol. But with girls, all you need to do is go out there and smile, and be friendly. You don't sound like a bad person. =) Well, good luck and i hope my advice helped.

  5. I feel exactly the same way as you. I know how bad it can feel. :( You never feel good enough and compared to other people you think you are bad. Don't worry though one of these days you are going to find that perfect guy. Just have hope. It is so important to be hopeful about things. I was a little suicidal for awhile and had to have therapy and everything but afterwards I feel so good about myself. Just try to look at all the things you are good at and not the negative stuff. I hope I helped. At least a little :P

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