So, my question was really a statement... but I just want advice on how I can deal with this realization.
So, I dont think Im THAT ugly. I have self esteem issues.... but its not over the top. Just regular teenage-I-hate-myself-ism. Sometimes I think I'm a little cute even...
But the thing is, there are so many beautiful, hot, and gorgeous girls. And there are so many shallow guys. And the ones that aren't shallow seem to be either hideous (now Im being shallow) or just into things that I'm not at all (like anime and pokemon or whatever) and with all of the gorgeous perfect girls... I find it unlikely anyone will ever even express an interest in me.
And they haven't.
I feel so bad about myself, like I'll grow up and live alone (I hate being alone) and never even kiss anyone... if you've never felt like that, it sucks.
You probably wouldnt even know how, but can you give me some ideas on how to deal with this?