
I feel unattractive as a pregnant person?

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My husband is really sweet and all, but I feel like the bigger I get the less attractive I am and like he's going to not like me anymore or something. People say "You're making a baby! It's a beautiful thing! " but that doesn't help any. I want to feel beauitful and I don't. I can't fit into any nice clothes anymore, I just feel like my husband will eventually lose interest in me... anyone else ever felt this way?




  1. i personally feel better having s*x the bigger my belly gets because i don't have to be embarrassed  i have a big belly and suck it in or try to cover it up  , he knows there is a baby in there and thats why its big

  2. Oh believe me, I have felt this way with all of my pregnancies, and sorry, but the whole, "you're creating a life... it's a beautiful thing..." is just a cop out that other people say to try to make us feel better. Personally, having a giant gut and waddling around isn't exactly "s**y"...

    The only good thing is how temporary our figures are out of whack. :) But as far as your husband goes, don't ever worry, they are funny creatures (men) and find their wives BEAUTIFUL, even when we're 9 months pregnant and personally feel as s**y as a walrus.  

  3. I think lots of women feel this way at some point in their pregnancy.  Hopefully you'll get into the swing of things again soon.  I've recently struggled with this same issue. Iam 17 weeks and 2 days and things are slowly coming along. Its hard to give up your clothes. Hang in there it will be over before you know it! congrats

  4. Yes, I completely understand what your saying I feel the same way. My husband is great and very loving but I just feel so d**n fat.  

  5. I'm sure most pregnant women feel this way at some point in their life, but you'd be surprised of how many husbands think their wives look MOST beautiful with child. :]

    Hun, you are carrying his baby!

    You gave him the greatest gift you can offer/give to a man!!

    Just think about the baby you two created that's growing inside of you and you'll come to realize you're very blessed. <3

  6. i feel that way right this second. i'm a very tiny tiny person, only 108 lbs. pre-pregnancy and 5'3, so i started to show around 16 weeks. now at 22 weeks, it really shows and i feel like a whale because i'm used to being my normal tiny self. my fiance tells me i'm gorgeous and beautiful atleast 10 times a day, but the bigger i get the less attractive i feel. although my s*x drive has picked up during pregnancy i hate being looked at naked. so it isn't just you or me, i guess it's just another thing pregnancy and hormones do to you.

  7. I feel that way right now too!  I am only 12 weeks though and none of my regular clothes fit but I don't have a big enough belly for maternity wear.  I am stuck in sweats and big t-shirts!  It sucks!!!!!!!!

  8.   I'm only 8 weeks and I am feeling it. I'm so embarrassed to have s*x because our stomachs touch any way we do it. I'm not at the point of showing, but am at the point of tighter clothes and starting to see and feel more curves everywhere and I'm getting frustrated because I'm too tired and sore to do anything when I get home from work!  

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