
I feel unstable walking in my pointe shoes ?

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i just started pointe this year, but ive been taking other dance classes for 11 years ..

i feel wobbly and like im gonna fall over when im walking in my pointe shoes .. is this common for a beginner ?

the guy that worked at the dance shoe store said i was a natural though ? could it just be nerves or something?

please help, im worried i wont do well in the first day of class .

thank you :D




  1. it is so normal don't worry you just need to get use to them

  2. its totally normal, dont even worry about it, i also took dancing for 11 years and it always came naturally for me but when i started pointe it was fristrating becasue it was the first time something didnt actually come easily to me. Its always hard for beginners, its just that its a new feeling, and dont worry, nobody will be good on thier first day and the instructors wont expect you to be good. You'll get used to it after a little while.

    Good Luck!

  3. Yes it is normal. I have also been doing dance for 10 years and point for 1 and i feel the same way.

  4. Don't worry!  Your right, this is because your a beginner.  And on the first day everyone is going to look wobbly and nervous in their pointe shoes lol.  The best you can do, it walk around in your pointe shoes and make sure your pushing up and out of them, and your on the box.  Just make sure you don't try anything you can't already do because you can really get hurt.  Since the guy at the dance store said your a natural, he's probably right.  If your ballet teacher said your strong enough, and your over 11 years old, your good to go!  Have fun=)

  5. Don't worry your legs are not use to you doing this sorta thing so just keep practicing and remember! If you don't feel ok doing some of the things just tell your teacher.  

  6. You really should wait to put your pointe shoes on until you have had your first class. Your shoes probably are not broken in and if you do break the shanks in yourself and the break is too low you may need new shoes. It is exciting to buy your first pair of shoes but you really do need to wait until you are on proper flooring and your teacher is present.

    Everyone feels a bit unstable at first and that is why you have a teacher.

    Good luck and please stay safe:)

  7. Pointe is very very hard, I would say either your very nervous or you need to push your arch (the top of your foot) more forward and when you don't have your pointe shoes on pratice pushing your arch it will work and make sure your on your big toe thats where all the pressure should be felt.  Good Luck at your Class.

  8. you may not be going en pointe properly, make sure your shoes fit rite!!

    It takes time to get your balance en pointe and feel stable, another week or so you will have it down. To help stay balanced make sure to tuck ur butt in and pull your ribcage up, or squeeze your abs and butt.

    Good luck..hope i helpd! = )

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