
I feel upset...any suggestion

by  |  earlier

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I went away with my boyfriend for the weekend. I returned home and he went camping on his own. While he was camping, I sent him a text asking if he likes me because I made the first move all the time in that weekend. He never replied to that text. He returned yesterday and I called him and just asked him how he was and stuff. Then I texted him yesterday and today but received no reply from him at all. I know he never likes text messaging but he always sent one text per day.

Has he lost interest in me? I am confused and feeling upset.

Some advice would be helpful, thanks.




  1. I do. But I tend to give too many second chances to people. (Or third chances, or fourth chances, etc)

  2. if it was me thats the way i would act if something was bothering me.depends how long you have been going out.if its no time think you should back off.sorry your upset

  3. Perhaps he wants a bit of space he has been in a small surrounding all weekend and maybe needs a bit of space maybe just meet up with him but not text him and when things are back to normal start of texting again...maybe asking him will freak him out more..

    hope i helped

  4. Guys are veryyyyy moody. I have been there so many times. Just dont get so upset about it. if hes moved on you'll know for sure in a few days. maybe somethings wrong with his phone? you never know. Just keep your head up and dont worry! you will be alright.

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