
I feel very depressed because my man is locked up doing 2yrs. How do I get through this depression? ?

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I feel very depressed because my man is locked up doing 2yrs. How do I get through this depression? ?




  1. If you really love him pray for half an hour everyday for his welfare with all sincerity and love. You will find over a period of time you will get better understanding and your man will also get benefited.

  2. Consider therapy and think about why he is there.  

  3. He's a hero (I'm not kidding). Be proud. Don't listen to these a**holes.

  4. Any depression (as you will know) is continual negative thoughts. Negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts - it is called the "Law of Attraction".

    But positive thoughts attract positive thoughts by this same Law of Attraction.

    You need to change the way you think. Your feelings are a guidance system that tell you that when you feel something negative, you will attract more of the same. So when you feel a negative thought - change it to positive - difficult? yes, but it can be done.

    Instead of thinking - "I feel very lonely without my man as he is locked up for 2 years" - you can choose to think "Wow, how lucky I am that he did not get 3 years" or "Every single day when I get up I am happy that is a day closer to his release".

    Think thoughts about all the positive things in your life "I am so lucky to have my sight, my arms, my legs, to be able to walk" etc. etc. Do not let up with the positive thoughts.

    "Feel" your feelings - they are talking to you. Change negative thoughts to positive every waking moment. When you go to bed think of some positive thing that happened in the day. "I had enough to eat today" When you awake, think of the positive things that you can think about, say, and do today.

    Your brain will begin to change into this being your natural (positive) thoughts, not depression.


  5. Are you depressed BECAUSE he is in jail or because of the reasons that he is in jail? or because you miss him? or want him out of jail and with you? or are you depressed because of the crime that he committed to get into jail in the first place?

    How do you get through this?  Easy, if he is worth waiting for then wait for him in the meantime get on with your life without him.

  6. You may want to consider why he is locked up. Why not find you some neew love? I mean at least for 2 years. or become a l***o.Buy a vibrator, or watch prison videos of womens correctional facilitys.

  7. Why is your man locked up?  Chances are it's his own behavior that got him there.  So don't blame yourself, or beat yourself up.  Ever think that maybe you can do better than a criminal?  do something to uplift your self esteem!  You gotta live ya know!  You're not locked up, he is!

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