
I feel very happy one moment then the next I feel like something bad happened.?

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The feeling just came and is staying with me. I love Most haunted and I look at Yvette I start to feel bad. I don't know what it is. Please tell me what it is.




  1. Maybe the feeling is staying because you're allowing it to stay....maybe even dwelling on it. If you're empathetic (not that I know much about it)..but I think when you pick up feelings for others and keep them..they somehow become  a part of your own personality. Don't allow this to happen. What if you were a healer and you picked up on someone's disease? Would you want to hold onto that? I don't think so. Don't allow this bad feeling to stay. One time I went to a psychic fair. While I was in a certain room where they were taking photos of auras...all of a sudden I wanted to dance. They told me it had happened to others too. But what if I had kept on dancing. Can you imagine what would have happened to me..been done to me? I would have been dancing all the way to the mental hospital. Just feel these feelings for a short time.What good does it do you to feel what others feel anyway when you can't do anything about it? If you picked up these feelings from a friend etc. you would be able to do something nice for them to comfort them...maybe give them a comforting card or make them a nice meal or buy them a banana split etc . But feeling the feelings of someone on tv has no purpose..unless you might want to say a prayer for her.

  2. There are two persons in you - your lower personality and your higher self. The higher self is your spiritual being. Your lower self is your mind and personality. The lower self is the one that is easily attracted by external desires. Your mood swing is due to the conflict of these 2 selves in you.

    Stay calm, still and turn your attention inwards. If you can, learn meditation to overcome the occurrence of the problem.

  3. Kid12-

    I agree to some extent with the answers from others above.  

    However, some people have empathic abilities, they sense the feelings of others and usually experience the same emotional and physical stimuli from the sufferer.  If Yvette is expressing her emotions you may be feeling those emotions in a physical sense.. if that makes sense. :)  It is an emotional/physical phenomenon.

    Having said that a quick note about Bipolar Disorder... it is a roller coaster ride of emotions.  You are high on top of the world and even have grandious thoughts (your always right others are wrong) can be highly irritable, or you are down so low you feel hopeless and suicidal. These are all based on a certain set of behavioral (symptoms) and only a psychiatrist can properly evaluate and medicate you for this and other mental disorders.  

    There is a great deal of info on the web about this mental illness and millions of people suffer with it.  Empathic info is also all over the web!

    PS... Yvette gets on my nerves, and I do not care for Most Haunted.  They scream so much you can't tell what they are afraid of, mostly I think is their own shadow and highly active imaginations.  

  4. Research Bipolar disorder if this happens a lot.

    If it's just Yvette screaming (as we call her) then I believe she is quite a sad person - similar to clowns who put on a face to entertain. That's just a feeling I get about her.

    She may be all bubbly on the outside, but her home life is not going the way she wants.

  5. you may need to consider that you are in need of evaluation by a psychiatrist to eliminate  the possibility that you have a form of manic depression. Another medical possibility is that something about this person triggers an epileptic attack for you.  Again get medical advise first.  After that you can evaluate what is going on and maybe be more clear with others so they can help you more.

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