
I feel weird? Like, Im not myself.?

by  |  earlier

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I think to much, and often I will get scared. Over nothing. I feel like im not breathing [but i am] It's kinda hard to explain. So I will take these deeps breaths. I get cold shots over my whole body. Is it anxiety attacks? Im scared, and I feel like no one can help me. I don't know what to do. Is there a way doctors can help you if you have anxiety attacks? HELP!!!




  1. Anxiety, Panic Attacks,  no fun,  it's easy to get help tho.

  2. Sounds like anxiety yes. Do you feel like you are dying?  Doctors can give you pills that might help. They might not though. You can help yourself through meditation and breathing though. The first step is realizing that the feelings you have are not real but come from a sense of dread. Something in your head is misfiring and the result is an anxiety attack. Once you can tell yourself that what you are feeling is not dangerous the attacks are less bad.

  3. take some hits! smoke some weed and relax

  4. loose yourself, forget eveything, dont give a f*ck about NO ONE/

  5. At this time in my life I am convinced that most all of these "feelings" are brought on by something we take in our bodies.  Food, drinks, breathing in smoke, drugs, chemicals, like cleaning stuff.  I suffered for a lot of years before I found a doc that would help me figure out what was bothering me and not think I was crazy.  One spring when the pollen was so high I was nuts but she told me to take a Benadryl and if it helped I was not crazy, just overloaded on pollen.  I took one and felt "normal" for the first time in years and with her help started to learn about all kinds of allergies.  It will cause our minds to race, depression and a load of other symptoms.  Maybe you could find a good Allergist.

    This is my experience, I hope it helps you.

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